
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:12:24
斑马是黑色的带有白色条纹,还是白色的带有黑色条纹. 斑马是黑马白条纹还是白马黑条纹? 1.Where__?Your hands are so dirty.Don't touch anything in the room.A.have you gone B.did you goC.have you been D.are you going2.could you tell me__?A.when the palaces change into the Palace MuseumB.when were the palaces changed into the Palac 1.Do you like the scenery here?Yes.It ___GuiLin.a.likes b.is like c.like d.look like选什么?有何区别?2.Try ____time.a.more b.another 1.How many bridges have been built _ Huangpu River?A.above B.over 这2个有什么区别 能不能再给我点例句2.Tom is the second tallest in Class2,but he is taller than _ in Class3.A.any other pupil B.any pupil c.all the other pupils 这3个 1when did you ____home last night?a reach at B get to arrive d arrive in2 I___what you said but I don't ___you.a believe;believebb believe in ;blieve in c blieve ;blieve in d believe in ;blieve 疯狂猜图里面猜品牌 红黑绿三种颜色是什么啊 疯狂猜图 咖啡色底上一个淡黄色留声机是什么?3字品牌 疯狂猜图才一个两个字的品牌,白色的底上面有三种颜色绿色的三角黑色的圆圈红色漏了个尖尖头 英语翻译(1) 2008年11月9日11点30分,我离开了北京.(2) 办登机手续和安全检查用了不到30分钟.(3) 出机场后,我坐了30几分钟出租车到达旅馆.下午2:30以前,我已办好了入住手续. 英语对话 关于暑假计划的两人对话A:打算暑假去旅游,欣赏名胜古迹B:打算暑假去打工,可以增加社会经验 地球污染的报告文章55 关于地球污染的论文现在社会,地球处于什么样的状态?等等,围绕地球污染的主题写一篇论文,字数不限. 高一关于暑假生活的英语对话 did school do you what today连词组句 you what after do today will school? what school do you study?这句话哪里有错? What did you learn in school today? 该怎么回答?有6个填空,QAQ拜托了 描写竹子不肯折节的诗句 古诗 英语对话解答(二)A: ?B:I am going to buy some books.A: ?B: I am going to buy the books in Xinhua bookstore.A: ?B:I am going there this Saturday afternoon.A: 英语对话求解答 英语完成对话, 英语面试对话介绍:Good morning everyone,today,our company ,China Mobile ,need to hire someone,Now,the first one please come.Next one,please come in Sit down please,1.Can you give me the highlights of your resume2.Why are you interested in th 婚姻是爱情的坟墓你觉得怎样理解这句话的真正含义? 尿尿英文怎么说? 请教英语专业八级常识题!38.Throughout most of its history,_______ was a major problem that plagued Ireland.A.emigration B.population distribution C.ethnic conflict D.birth control Theodore Dreiser set forth his____concept of the American society in his early works.a.romantic b.historical c.naturalistic d.realisticwhich of the following is not one of the design feature of language?a.symbol b.duality c.productivity d.arbitrarine 英语常识题 问个英语方面的知识,跟英文题目有关的为什么在“The Ice-cream and Pancake House”这个店名中的ice-cream和pancake不加s啊? 尿用英语怎么说? #高考提分#__,and the problem will be settled a A bit more effort b Making a little more effort__,and the problem will be settled a A bit more effortb Making a little more effort c If you make a bit more effortd There being a little more effort 关于对联的读法《核舟记》中“山高月小,水落石出”和“清风徐来,水波不兴”到底哪个是上联,哪个是下联?