
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 13:38:25
It is important to us (learn)English Did you had a good time?错在那里? .You seldom had time for writing,______?:did you B:didn't you C:do you D:don't you 20题怎么写,回采纳 这20题怎么写我采纳你 设函数f(x)的定义域为R,且f(x)不等于0,当x>0,f(x)>1,对x,y属于R,有f(x+y)=f(x)f(y).设函数f(x)的定义域为R,且f(x)不等于0,当x>0时,f(x)>1,对x,y属于R,有f(x+y)=f(x)f(y).(1)求证:f9x)>0(2)解不等式 f(x)≤ 1/f(x+1 邓小平在改革开放时期是主席还是副主席,如是副主席,那主席是谁?要年份! 诺贝尔小传怎么写要二百多字的, 英语:同义句 Helen is 150 centimetres tall . Nancy is 150 centimetres tall ,too.Helen is ____ ____ ____ Nancy. 诺贝尔的小传怎么写 诺贝尔的小传是怎么写的? 如图,AB=16厘米,E是它的中点,阴影面积是12平方里面,求平行四边形的面积 补全对话下列A1___________B;his favorite subject is music.A2___________B;because it's interesting.A3___________B;hismusic teacher is mrs li.A4___________B;he has music on friday morning.A5___________Bhis favorite day is friday because he has mus 补全下列对话,A:(① ) you like to go out (② ) dinner with me B:Sure.(③ ) do you think of French food?A:I love it but I'm (④ )(⑤ )(⑥ )(⑦ ) for it tonight.B:Yeah,l'm not (⑧ ) .It's a bit greasy.A:Yes,(⑨ ) do you like Chi 补全下列对话 将下列对话补全A:Excuse me,------------------------------------------the library,please?B:Yes,-----------------------------------.A:---------------------------------------?B:No,it is not far.A:-----------------------------------------.B:You can 请各位帮我补全下列对话:What day is it?Today is --- ---. 补全下面的对话.A.l( )Lucy.What's( B.My name is jim.A.Nice to( )you.B.( )A.How( )you?B.I'm fine.( )And you?A.Im( ),too( )youB.What's( )numberA.( )555-1234.B.What's this in( A.( ) a quilt.What( )those.B.They are books.A.( )them,please.B.B-O-O-K- 怎么补全下面的对话?A:( ),sir?B:Yes,please.( )a pair of sports shoes.A:What size do you want, please?B:Size ten or elevenA:OK,what about this pair?B:Sorry,I( )black shoes.A:Oh,we've also got blue ones.B:Can I ( )on?A:Yes,please.B 下面的对话怎么补全A:Hello,Gina.1.________B.Yes,I do.lisa is my friend. 补全下面的对话 A:What 's your __ ,sirB:Well,doctor,there is something wrong with my __ .I almost can't see __.A:How long have been like this?B:___ last week ,I think.A:Let me have a look.Oh,I guess you are working too ___ these days and don't 语文(3)做对了加200分,六、读一读想一想做一做皮鞋匠静静地听着.他好像面对着大海,月亮正从水天相接的地方升起来.微波粼粼的海面上,霎时间洒满了银光.月亮越升越高,穿过一缕一缕轻 语文(2)做对了加200分,六年级上册第七单元习作提纲(稍微写详细一点) 已知三个整数a,b,c成等差数列,且a+b,b+c,c+a成等比数列,a,b,c之和介于45和50之间,求a,b,c的值 已知三个整数a,b,c成等差数列,其和介于45与50之间且a+b,b+c,c+a,成等比数列,则a,b “而君以五十里之地存着”的划分节奏急需 已知三个整数a,b,c成等差数列,其和介于40与44之间且a+b,b+c,c+a,成等比数列,则a,b,c的值分别为 文艺复兴和欧洲启蒙思想对欧洲近代法律的影响是什么 关于现代历史启蒙思想的一个问题卢梭说:“我不赞成你的观点,但我捍卫你说话的权利.”这句话反映了启蒙思想家的“言论自由”的观点.————————————————这句话哪里错 唐雎不辱使命中安陵以五十里之地存者的者是什么意思 这个YY号值多少钱? 100多人围一圈并从1依次编号,1—2报数报1走报2留,循环到最后剩余44号,原来有多少人?44号是最开始编的原来的号