
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:53:37
写人的前后照应的作文不能只是首尾呼应,400字不能是写老师,写同学或亲人 He likes【 running in the park】宾语 我们老师说这是整个做宾语 in the park不是地点状语吗 教教我吧 弹簧钢如何防锈. excellent excellent同义词Many t___(excellent) scientists in our country will go to the conference this week.做一下这道题. ______(see)from the tower,the whole town comes into view.前后主语不是一致的阿 7 LIVE HOUSE怎么样 望蓟门尾联用了什么手法表达了诗人怎样的思想感情? 望蓟门的诗眼是什么,结合具体是据分析作者为何产生这种感受? 望蓟门中的一些问题祖咏●望蓟门 燕台一去客心惊,笳鼓喧喧汉将营.万里寒光生积雪,三边曙色动危旌.沙场烽火连胡月,海畔云山拥蓟城.少小虽非投笔吏,论功还欲请长缨.诗人用"寒光","危旌" 谁有祖咏 英语诗歌中划分节奏韵律很难,怎么办,有什么较好的参考书可以看啊,我想考英美文学的硕士 sos!《望蓟门》诗词鉴赏 急求英语诗歌越长越好,谁的长我就把分给谁 新概念第二册47课Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale.Mr Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted.He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because [完美的伪装]怎么做 he standed on the top of the hill,from where you can see the whole 可换为where 历史简答题:如何理解近代中国革命发生的原因和历史必然性. little water is in the bottle的反意疑问句是什么 Communication with Stuart and I has completely broken down. 为啥用has啊,谁能解释一下啊 now 和 from now on 有何区别 But as they soon discovered,disguises can sometimes be too perfect1.can ..be 应该?dressed in dark glasses and old clothes they had taken special precautions so that no one should recognize them 这里的dressed in dark glasses and old clothes 什 改错It is ture that the average man often uses in his own vocabulary that was once technical. 英语翻译这个句子中没有能的意思,can 表示什么 【汉译英】经过几年的自学,他获得了丰富的知识.(a great) Favorite fictional character是什么意思 当两个集合相等可以写成包含关系吗例如:集合{0,1,2}含于集合{2,1,0}是对的吗 如果集合a包含于集合b有没有可能是这两个集合相等 怎么样确定两个集合的包含关系或者相等关系最好有带各种例题和解题思路比如书上的例题我就是看不懂额C={n∣n=2k+1 k∈N*}和D={m∣m=2L-1 L∈N*}这例题解到后面有这句话D中有元素1而C中 印第安酋长什么又向我们道出了 come out of school 是从学校出来还是退学?有放学的意思吗?和 come out of the school 有什么区别? how far is it?it's about ten minutes' walk.i will___you there