
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:44:07
Not drink the milk ,Tom哪里错 英语翻译 用does,drink,not,the,milk,dog.连词成句 Tom would like any milk to drink.哪错了 跪求小学六年级英文我的性格爱好演讲稿(包括生日,性格,饮食习惯,运动喜好)不要太多的生词哦. (heel snake→toe snake→heel-toe snake→back toesnake→back heel-toe snake)这些在轮滑里面代表什么意 are many watching TV students连词成句 many students have the habbit of watching too much TV这里为什么用watching many students have the habit of watching too much TV.翻译 In China,many students spend their weekends studying at school or doing homework or watching TVplays at home.What are the students doing on weekends in America?\x05Kevin:We are washing people’s cars.My friends and I are working together.The money w I'd like to join them改为一般疑问句 Jon Sun起这个英文名字怎么样 我叫刚昊,我想取个英文名字,想起英明名字! 想弄个英文名字我叫孙根强,姓是sun请问是在英文用什么好? 毛泽东为代表的中国党人是怎样继承与发展孙中山的三民主义的 WWE是什么意思? 哪些表示身体的名词可以作动词啊?除了face,shoulder,face,hand,heel以外~ 求we are truly sorry for any inconvenience中文翻译 wwe 什么意思 wwe视频什么意思 除了Tom以外,大家都会去春游(except) 英文 谁帮我想想一个英文名,男的.而且帮我想一个谐音的(富).不用英文名了,谐音(富)字组成好听的一个名。 用CTL-12型化学需氧量速测仪测量COD时,溶液变绿,且有白色沉淀产生,是怎么回事 cracked heel怎么记住他的意思 they will be playing football tomorrow 意思是明天这个时候他们在踢球吗 请到明天晚上再告诉他.Please()()him()tomorrow evening 怎么样养小乌龟,是很小的那种,龟壳是绿色的 小乌龟龟壳发白小龟龟壳发白是怎么回事,大概7个月左右大! 壳是绿色的小乌龟是什么龟啊? they do not like folding the clothes同义句 they tried hard to make some clothes like the stars'同义句转换they ___ ___ ___ ___make some clothes like the stars'.