
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 21:13:35
请问all day,all the day,the whole,all,whole的用法及其详细解释 All day与all the day有什么区别呢? the whole day 与all day的用法八年级人教版英语书 P30 怎么有个 fishing with grandpa the whole day .改成句子用第一人称怎么说,不是 the whole day前面要加介词吗? 工程制图的一道三视图题 工程制图 一道工程制图 天空是什么颜色的求大神帮助空气是什么颜色的,就像你的爱情,一生中不同的伴侣会带给你不一样的感受,不一样的天空,之所以美妙,是因为他多姿多彩,令人遐想,那你说爱情是什么颜色呢,自 天空是什么颜色的大神们帮帮忙 天空是什么颜色的?可以从多个角度,如梦幻或科学. 天空是什么颜色的.?拜托各位大神 天空是什么颜色的啊``?回答前请 仔细欣赏一下天空的颜色 请不要回答理论性的知识``` 把你看天空时的心情告诉我就行了 show it/them to sb 中文 英语翻译John was seventy,and he was not in good shape."What you should do?,"said his doctor,"Is walk two miles a day." A week later,the doctor received a call from John."Doctor,I walked two miles every day,and Ido feel lots of butter.But I have a 英语翻译John was seventy,and he was not in good shape."What you should do?,"said his doctor,"Is walk two miles a day." A week later,the doctor received a call from John."Doctor,I walked two miles every day,and Ido feel lots of butter.But I have a 英语翻译帮 I would have done the walking out three days ago翻译谢谢 上一代 英语怎么说 失去的一代 英文怎么说这句话怎么翻译 英语翻译想要自己设置F2的菜单,又看不懂,自己瞎试只试出了几个,如果说明详细作用再+100分!OPERATOR SETTING这个选项我懂,隐藏难度我也会调,关键是其他的 菜单是:*HARDWARE TESTI/O TESTSOUND TESTR.G.B.TE can easily ball throw i the连词成句 求助! Show your tickets,please. 急呀~~ Please show ——— your picture A:them B:theirs C:they 简便运算 简便运算,(*︶*) Initialize font initialize disk initialize是什么意思 某次大会安排代表住宿,若每间2人,则有14人没床;若每间3人,则多出2个空床位. Danny is too weak to throw the ball?意思 my,is,turn,throw,it,ball,the,to.(连词组句) 同义句转换 1.he is too weak to carry the box.2.he is such a good father.3.I am father than her. 谁来回答he is weak. he can not walk far.合并句子 he is not — — to walk far.