
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 02:53:01
英文the Creat WaLL / Happy new year / Made in China/ Good night 用什么词形容的的优雅女人名字 雅思作文批改,第一次写啊…麻烦高手点评…谢谢~有人认为政府应该控制暴力电影以减少社会上逐渐增高的暴力犯罪案件.Do you agree or disagree?Some people hold the view that violence in films is one of the rea 第一次写雅思作文,语法时态看下.大概能得几分啊,Does modern technology make life more convenient,or was life better when technology was simpler?What’s your opinion?提纲:1.尽管现代科技是我们的生活变得节奏更快 雅思作文批改、并给一下分Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.To what extent do you agree disagree?There has muchdiscussion around the issue of whether universities should accept equal numbe 雅思作文批改.100Reality TV Currently,the public has been tired about watching normal TV programs and it demands unique and unscripted TV Shows.The media explore average people’s life and present it on TV programs.However,there has been much d 同义句转换 If someone keeps talking to you and you have to leave If someone () () talking to youand you have to leave. What sort of questions do you ask someone when you are getting to know them?What subjects do people normally talk about in the early sages of getting to know someone?这个是商务英语成功交际里的问题,希望回答的全面些!这里有两 像刺猬一样坚强的活下去英文的翻译 How is sb? how is sb.有哪些意思?例如 问一个人的外貌,品质. sb的中文是什么?谷歌翻译! hello let's chat have fun. Her last name is Hand.同义句 Her__ __is Hand there is going to ( ) a class meeting this afternoon快,10点之前关 there is going to be a meeting this afternoon--?反问部分填什么 there ___a parents' meeting this sunday afternoonAisBis going toCis going to beDis going to have 请看 修改打分 Traffic and housing problems in major cities would be solved by moving big companies,factories and their employees to the countryside.Do you agree and disagree?It is an undeniable fact that in recent years,traffic and housing prob 题目是目前很多发展中国家都在expand their tourism industry.请说明理由.并评论这个现象positive or not.作文In contemporary age and society,many developing countries are exploiting at a large spectrum of their tourism attractio Topic:Nowadays,people in some countries can choose to live and work anywhere they want,because of the improvement of the communication technology and transport.Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages.In many parts of the world,it is quite commo 雅思作文求改Some people think that students benefit from going to private secondary schools.Do you agree or disagree?It is not uncommon that increasing students go to private schools because of their high reputations in education.Those who hold 帮忙修改雅思作文怎么样能达到6-6.5分?这篇作文能达多少分?The goverment should control the amount if violence in the media.To what extent do you agree?Thanks for the development of modern technolohy.As a kind of modern techno 英语分号后面是大写字母还是小写字母 我今年小升初,叫叫我怎么写就OK不要太多客套话,别太虚伪,我是个比较双面的人 六年级英语自我介绍我要参加口语竞赛,我叫胡佳慧,我在六二班,我喜欢交朋友,我今年12岁,我喜欢吃水果,我爱我的父母们,我爱英语,我想做一名音乐家,我是一个自信的女孩,希望你们和我交朋 走一步再走一步一开始强调闷热,起到什么作用 Have fun every day "I hope we have fun every 我希望大家每天都开心,英语又怎么说? 急求一篇英语短文~关于房地产和股票投资哪种投资好?请高手帮我写一篇英语短文,日常投资关于房地产和股票投资哪种好?最好是三段式的,100字左右,不好意思Sai诸葛,你写得我看不懂,我 今天考的六级好难啊!好歹四级也考了530啊,怎么六级就那么难啊,单词都不认识,听力也听不懂,铁定过不了! 求六级 估分 今天刚考的(在线等)就是今天刚考完的作文一般吧 快速阅读5个 听力选择15个 填词3个 句子没全就不算了阅读填词4个 篇章阅读7个完型13个 翻译全对的一个 其他的就算了然后 明天考六级,今天晚上该干吗?