
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:15:15
want,play,to,students,only,the,baseball(.)连词成句 Tom is a ______ student,and he speaks Chinese_________(请说明原因)A.good ,well B.good,good C.well ,well D.well,good relate to 后面跟动词原形还是动词ing形式?这个"to"是【介词】吗? between ,.among ,about ,.from的意思 问问:保健身体的生活小常识?谁能提提啊?保健身体的生活小常识?谁能提提啊? 后置定语to后面什么时候要加介词?比如说是a house to live in还是a house to live?是a bed to lie还是a bed to lie on?什么时候要加to后面的介词?什么时候不加?之前就纠结这个问题了……想问一下……where t he has nobody to talk/talk to,选哪个,为什么,什么时候选动词原形,什么时候选原形+介词 我喜欢数学,它有点难,但很有趣.I like ___.It s ___ ___ ___ ___it s interesting. i like art ——any other subject.it is the most Interesting .Athe best Bmuch more Cbetter than Di like art ——any other subject.it is the most Interesting .A the best B much more C better than D much better 汶的读音可以读二声吗一、“汶”基本读音为wén,读若“文”。  “汶”是一个多音多义字,《康熙字典》确定它的第一个意义就是“文”的古字,称:“汶,古‘文’字。” “汶”又 希望给起个英文名,我的名字叫宋泓汶,希望起个和中文名读音很像的名字,比如陈奕迅叫eason,也可以不要实实在在的英文名像张睿的英文Ray一样是光线的意思,不管是实在的英文名还是英文单词 nü的发音有几个孩子在广州度公立小学一年级.开学学习拼音.老师要求把“nü”的发音每个组词.要1-4声每个声组一个词!我怎么想都想不出“nü”有四个发音,即便能发音但是好像也没有学过 DON‘T WORRY.WE WILL E-MAIL YOU AS SOON AS WE( )IN HONG KONG.ARRIVE ARRIVES?WILL ARRIVE WOULD ARRIVE?WHY? She wants to be an architect.(保持句意不变)Her ________ is _______ ______as architect. 有h、z、z 三个字母带有好的意思的英语单词, 问个深奥的问题,世间万物是怎么形成的?万物为何从无到有?我们的存在又有什么意义? I will give it to you as soon as he_____arrives arrived is arriving will arrive 汶川大地震的读音 The tickets have always sold out这句话对吗?这是外研版初二上册二模块的课文中的原句,教材怎么会错呢? All the tickets have sold out 所有的票已被售完 语法对吗 我眼中的新农村社会实践活动方案怎么写?不是要作文,要社会实践报告 方案 小学二年级比一比谁的教室最美丽社会实践活动方案 像雨像风像雪又像云 如何区分The flowers were sold in no time.和The flower sells well.中sell的用法?sell什么时候用主动、什么时候用被动? how long has the game it been since the game of basketball was invented? 翻译 江水又东----------------色如人负刀牵牛,人黑牛黄, 英语翻译如果你有空的话,顺便翻译一下“虽途径信宿,又望见此物.” The girl is my cousin.She is 18 years old 合并为一句 She is a fat girl(a fat girl画线)提问 between和among到底有什么区别?初中老师说between是两者之间,among用于多个之间.为什么The conference is held between China,USA,Korea,Japan.这句话要用between? ____(be) a volunteer in a hospital and help the sick men.到底是哪个?三个人三个答案!