
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:18:14
light and 唐山的经纬度位置是多少? And who may you be?那你是谁? Thank you for helping me (同意句转换)快 i got robbed on the way home,可以帮我分析吗?句中是被动语态,为何不用i was robbed on the way home?还有home是副词,是作定语修饰way吗? i got robbed on the way home How to make a birthday card for my English teacher ,please help me.Thank you very much. I am make a card for you.哪里错 孙燕姿的绿光中Green light有什么含义拜托了各位 如题. 是Jane and Lucy's father is a teacher,还是Jane's and Lucy's?原因? 下列装置中,没有用到电磁铁的是A、电磁起重机B、电磁继电器C、电铃D、电热毯 .Lucy and Lily have thesame hobbies.( )____ 改错 请列举几个带yang字的成语请列举几个带杨字的成语如果没有的话 音一样也可以谢谢 those legs that were close to being cut off carried him to a world record in the mile run翻译 kuai Hope and trust is the tail of a lizard,which can reproduce even after being cut off. 关于 yang谐音的成语有什么啊 以yang字开头的成语 The ball_______ (hit) Ted right on the head just now 求一个带yang的成语!浪漫的浪漫点的 想个成语 做个藏头诗 想yu的 宇过添情 夜晚仰望苍穹,经常在月亮旁边的是what星? 一天夜晚.续写童话 1.Lucy and Lily are going shopping with their father and mother tomorrowA.are having a shop B.will go to a shop to buy somethingC.are buying something D.will go to a restaurant 英语翻译物镜是放映机的主要组成部分之一,它是放映机镜头的眼睛,决定了成像的清晰程度.本文运用双高斯物镜进行光学设计,双高斯物镜轴向和垂轴像差都校正的较好,双高斯物镜结构的复 英语翻译The zero-ordertransmission spectra,where the incident and detected light arecollinear,were recorded with a Cary 5 ultraviolet–near infraredspectrophotometer with an incoherent light source,but the arrayswere also studied on an optical b 中国歼二十的与美国那驾飞机相比,中国歼二十有哪些优势和不足,最后歼二十出现的伟人意义! DNF的天空套天空1天空2天空3是怎么回事啊?是不是合了天空一才可以合天空2呢?我没合过想了解下……属性有什么差别吗? 在2012年端午节中国有哪3个宇航员飞上太空?除刘洋外 2012年会不会真的出现零度空间?人会不会真的沉睡3天,而且漂浮在空中 l have never sought to hide my thinks 到书店左转.翻译成英语. I can do nothing.I'm just a small potato in my factory. 请问五体投地是指哪五体?