
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:02:33
号的多音字组词是什么 就是身边高尚的人、事有哪些? 历史上有哪些人物是顶着压力的情况下获得成功的? 在身边发生的事作文(450字) bec口语如何准备 parents所有格形式是什么 parents的所有格是'神'啊? 有哪些人是在顶着压力的情况下获得成功的 He always thinks of-------more than himself.A.otherB.the otherC.otherD.the othersHe always thinks of-------more than himself.A.otherB.the otherC.otherD.the others He always thinks of others___than himself .A.muchB.much more C.more muchD.too more my parents(名词所有格)? my parents所有格 When I was a child ,my mother often ( ) me sories.A tell B told C tells 最好说出来为什么 My mother often tells stories to me when l go to bed=My mother often tells_______ _______when l go ( )He always thinks more of himself than__,so nobody likes him.A.others B.the other C.otherD.the others My mother often tells me___my classmates when they what?选择:A.helpB.to helpC.helpingD.helps He is always thinking more of himself,seldom,________,offering to help others. A.if neverHe is always thinking more of himself,seldom,________,offering to help others.A.if never B.if everC.if possible D.i as of these day 请具体分析一下句子结构尤其是as begin,start,hear,see,notice后面接动词不定式还是动名词? 英语语法 这句话的用法是否正确请专业人士 能够保证正确的 I tend to be diligent ,analytical,creative,and cooperative,which prepares me for further study in law school.WHICH PREPARE的句式呢? 杜牧写的赤壁用了什么修辞手法 杜牧写赤壁时是怀着怎样的心情? Let me to have a look.改错 let me to have a look.修改病句 改正:Let me to have a look. 变为被动语态后加to的动词 像made.see.还有哪些.为什么这些词变后加to.是所有原型后都加吗? 请把这一个句子改为独立主格结构 When it approaches to gratuation,they find their academic records are less impressive.是 It approaching to gratuation,they find their academic records are less impressive.是上面的么?我猜的。 请问这个句子用了独立主格结构么The company do not have to provide working facilities for the staffs,with that alleviating the financial burden of the company. 帮我看看这句话里有没有独立主格结构Toward this objective,the company offered a training course,with a certificate and a tool kit as bonuses.这句话中with引导的是不是独立主格结构. one(序数词)____ 这个空怎么填? 这句话是独立主格结构么?There having been no rain for almost 3 years,the ground was already burnt black by the sun.这句话应该是独立主格吧?还想问下一般带非谓语动词的从句是不是很容易出现在独立主格中噢? 地名的由来