
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:52:49
找出错误并在横线上改正Police has confirmed that the victim was a computer programmer.____________He said he is going to visit me the next day.____________________If something is confirmed,it is prove to be true._________________________ 形声字(右表意左表声) 形声字是由表意的( )和表( )的声旁组成的谁知道?快说!十分钟内, 写几个上表意下表声的字 写几个下表意上表声的字 写几个右表意左表声的字 荷马史诗英雄有哪些 著名的英雄史诗《吉尔伽美什》流传的地区是 求分析以下句型Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from science 语法求分析,distinct from one another and from science 是不是修饰disciplines,distinct 做形容词为什么可以直接跟后面? 英语句型分析,求教You might be a thought more considerate of other people. YOU 是主语,might be 是谓语部分 ,a thought 是宾语吗? 那more considerate of other people 是什么成分呢?一点不懂,真心求教! 分析英语句型啊Mainly I try to remind them that the road ahead is a long one and that it will have more unexpected turns than they think.There will be plenty of time to change jobs,change careers,change whole attitudes and approaches.They don't I usually relax myself __ by watching game shows_I usually relax myself __by watching game shows__对划线部分提问 Watching the___(relax) game,we all feel____(relax). 下列各句均有一处错误请找出并在后面横线上改正1.This question is too difficult.She can’t answer them.2.I like to receive letters but do not like to write it.3.Mrs Smith gives her friends,Mary and I,a tea party.4.The three men--- 下列各句中均有一处错误,请找出来并在横线上改正1.He said he doesn't watch TV.-----2.She said she can come for more help after school.-----3.She said they are the best basketball players in the school.----4.Many young people were i 河是形声字吗 吉尔伽美什史诗译本 最好是一块泥板 一块泥板的分的很清楚的. 6年级数学行知天下第三期49页第三题怎么做? 9+4=∧口口我知道9+4=13就是不知道下边的是甚么意思他的角对着4 It is a cow(变成一般疑问句) 桃花在春风中盛开.(改为拟人句) 请你以桃花为本体写一个拟人句. the boy slept until 10 o'clock this morning 的同义句 it was raining this morning!这句话对吗?我想说今天早晨下雨了,你有看到吗?it was raining this morning!had you seen?这样说对吗? It was raining this morning?请问:我的句子机构的分析对不对呀?1.主语——“morning”;定语——“this”2.系动词——“was” ;表语——“raining”如果以上分析的不对,那下面的对吗?1.主语——it 英语翻译有关机票的预定,我刚刚问了航空公司,由于欧洲国家在4月底那周(从4月25日-4月30日)有很多的展会,导致这期间的机票座位非常紧张(目前只剩8个座位)而且机票价格非常高(目前 these first dogs were not like what we have now.they may have been small w---(wolves)为什么会想到填狼?上文是do you know dogs were wild animals long ago?the first wild dogs were trained by humans in europe about 10.000years ago照回答这 杠杆原理的问题 I didn't getup until 11:30 this morning.翻译中文 祖国你好作文请给我发消息里去 以防别人看见了也超去 就一样了 祖国你好 600字作文要快 450字作文一定要430字左右哦 带cun的ziheci语 The snow lasted until last Friday.I opened the window this morning and saw the sun but I felt much colder.“You’d better go to work on foot,dear,” said my husband,“It is dangerous for you to drive.” I thought him right and agreed.It would ta