
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:27:09
描写哀愁的古诗 表达淡淡的哀愁 幽怨的诗句我不需要一整首的 只要是有名的句子就可 1.This box is_heavy for me to carry.A.so much B.so many C.much too D.too much2.The twins look the same,I often _.A.mix up them B.mix them up This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs._____.A、 You may ask for help  B、 I'll give you a hand  C、 Please do me a favor  D、 I'd come to help  Please do me a f___ to carry this box .It is too heavy .首字母填空 用英语怎样形容一个人的声音?比如怎样说"富有磁性的声音""悦耳的""清脆的"高亢的""嘹亮的"低沉的'沙哑的'…… 改错:This box is very heavy to carry (找出错误,并改正)改错:This box is very heavy to carry —— ——- ——-A B C 有什么英文形容词可以形容歌声越多越好. 英语是怎么形容声音的?比如滴水声是“滴嗒、滴嗒”,汽车喇叭声是“嘟嘟、嘟嘟”等...滴嗒,嘟嘟用英文翻译出来肯定不是跟原来的叫法一样了吧? He came here without后面要加ing形式的动词吗He came here without______.A.say anythingB.say somethingC.saying anythingD.saying something说出为什么 without后动词ing 还是不定式为什么? 关于"疑惑"的词语要几个关于疑惑的词语! 填词语形容没有什么可怀疑的 谁知道有关由于"怀疑"精神的诗句啊?(3句以上哦 关于这个句子的疑惑Such abundance of food encouragesa high diversity of fruit eaters more commonly found in the tropics.encourages fruit eaters found in the tropics . 有encourage sb done 这个用法么? 求解答 A man is only as sick as his secrets The young man is so strong that he can carry the heavy box.(同义句转换) The young man is strongThe young man is so strong that he can carry the heavy box.(同义句转换)The young man is strong ___ ___ carry the heavy box. The young man is strong____ _____carry the heavy box only a strong-willed man can live in this world 怎么读 速求 什么动词加ing?还要例子哦. 形容"烦恼"的词语 This box is so heavy that i can _____carry it. This is a heavy box,He can't carry it.(保持原句意思) The box is_____heavy for him_______carry 英语翻译我们公司需要一个能翻译缅甸文的翻译公司合作, 英语翻译现在的小翻译公司实在是太多了,我之前没接触过什么正规的翻译公司,有谁知道哪家正规一点?都帮我推荐推荐看看哪家比较可靠的? 表达诗人内心愁苦的诗句有甚么?就像:只恐双溪舴艋舟 载不动许多愁\物是人非事事休,欲语泪先流还有哪些啊? 寻:能够表示内心充满忧伤,惆怅,期望之情的美句和诗句?如题,.越多越好. 会弹钢琴并且,英语成绩很好 用英语怎么说 its和it's 有什么不同? 急 its it's their 的用法1.The three victims were members of a National Guard unit that had just completed _____ first week of training.A) itsB) their2.Applicants are assigned a time based on their Social Security ____.A) numberB) numbers3.Each me Its 和It's有什么区别?Who's that?______Yang Chen.应该选It's还是Its.thank与thanks有什么区别,为什么Thank不能单独使用?the有两种读音,什么情况下读Ti; 什么情况下读TE?为什么thank后面加you就不读原来的音 taw win 还有 maw tin