
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 14:14:52
英语翻译It was ___that Michele could ___ a hero 把名字michele翻译成汉语 Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman.A man goes shopping 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空That made me ___ (feel) very happy 线段的计算与角的计算存在着紧密的联系,它们之间可以互相借鉴方法,小明大胆猜想:如图2,设线段ab=a,延长ab到c,使bc=b,点m和n分别为ac和bc的中点,则mn的长为2分之a,而与bc的长度变化无关,请你证 英语翻译 Ng单个意思英文翻译单一的意思 英语翻译异口同声yì kǒu tóng shēng- 英文翻译异口同声的中文解释以下结果由汉典提供词典解释不同的嘴说出相同的话.指大家说得都一样.【出自】:《宋书·庾炳之传》:“伏复深思,只有愚 kathy NG怎么读 In what kind of economy does it play a lesser role?In what kind of economy does customer relations play a lesser role?Who can answer this question?Thanks 连词组句the,the,is,where,tour,summer,guide,holiday,telling,they,them,during,will,visit(.) over the next ten 还有没有意思一样的短语?谢.是在接下来的十年间还是十年后?谢. Over the next four years,about 35,000 students will get the textbooks是什么意思 英语翻译尤其是前半句 情景填空 good idea and And______you ______a big breakfast every day‘. yes i have ---- and ---- what is the role of image of attractions and destinations? There was____(从前)an apple tree behind my old house.…… over 和 more的区别 surface tension是什么意思?具体中文是什么意思?平常上的是英文课,中文不清楚神马意思 people may be surprised by table manners in western culture分析分析这句话,may be是表推测 surprised为什么要用ed形式 In western cultures ___idea of the dragon may be related to the snake,___horrible animal to people.A:an; a B:an ;the C:the ;a D:the ;the 介观环的概念什么是介观环啊? 与环定义相关的问题证明交换环定义为:集合R上定义加法和乘法,使得R中任何元素满足:(1)加法交换律 (2)加法结合律(3)存在零元素0,使得集合中任何元素a,有a+0=0+a=a.(4)对集合中任何 五彩环的含义是什么 Tell yourself firstly what kind of person you want to be and then do the must things.英译汉 Can you teLL me h0w I can use the comPuter?改为同义句 英语翻译HV A GOOD DREAM~ 英语翻译 I sometimes use a computer to write my homework.对sometimes划线部分提问 鱼为什么会倒着游? I have a question我取消这个请求,并不是我故意的,我不太懂网,操作错了才会这样 什么鱼在上层游