
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:14:17
随便回答个答案给我吧 “除了你我谁也不要”翻译成英文 A、B两地之间的公路长540千米.客、货两车同时从A、B两地相向而行,若客车6小时行完全程,货车9小时行完全程.问多少小时后两车在途中相遇?方程解 “睿”字的笔顺如题,请尽量的清楚些, 他说我太较真儿,什么叫较真儿啊?你们说怎么样才能既表现出你在乎对方,又不太过分? 较真,较劲两个词怎么翻译 四字词,叠词___可危,___入扣,要是叠词 四字词,前面两个是叠词 为什么当初人类就没有进化出飞行 关于脸的词语 脸怎么组词 I don't think ___ making friends with himA .out B.about C.in D不填说明原因 不甚()()叠词 在()上写叠词:不甚( ) 英语翻译是不是用Excuse me!I don't know anything.or ask you to teach me. i always here if you thing ofthe story of the tears from your He is going on a big trip.变一般疑问句. sightseeing are there any new markets in Asia?the sales manager wants to know.合并为一句the sales manager wants to know ______ there _____ some new markets in Asia the sales manager wants to know _ there are any new markets in Asia.答案给whether,为什么不用if Are there any foreign teacher in your school?(中文) 欧洲西部以风车和郁金香而闻名于世的是 Look, Ben is writing a ___________ (check). He is going on a business trip to the USA.应该填什么? TUNNEL啥意思? 还有promise .single tunnel的中文意思 love means balance什么意思 what love means?(爱意味着什么) Love means neversay sorry! 什么意思啊 急 “香远益清”中“远”的意思? 为了完成任务,大家随便回答, 为了完成任务随便回答吧