
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:42:33
什么是歪理邪说? 破除歪理邪说邪教组织称他们能让金属铝发生化学反应,变成铜和金,使铝分子变成铜分子和金分子.请根据化学知识,指出这种说法违反科学之处 英语中stylistic problems都有哪些?需要英文答案,比如说 fragment sentence,choppy sentence 等,期待您的回答!大谢! when evening comes ,the weather gets evenworse ,() the buses and car stop .if you want to go toother towns ,you ()find a car easily .A none ,can B not ,will C no ,can't D all ,must I want to interview you about the car accident是什么意思? 请在括号里填上相同的两个字灰( ),沉( )热( ) [ ]时机 括号里填上两个字 括号中的两个字怎么写?忧愁(yǜ)(jì)在那儿,难以排解.括号中的两个字怎么写? nose怎么读 His pencil-box is (red and blue).就括号部分提出问题_________ __________ is his pencil-box? a person's nose is important 这篇阅读的翻译 --Do you want___sandwich?you want _____ sandwich?yes,i usually eat a lot when i'm hungry.A.other B.another C.others D.the other说说为什么 I want to buy a sandwich (写问句) Do you want to stop and have a rest?___,if you insist.A.Yesa,B.Sure C.All right D.That's right.选哪个?为什么? 请问Run-on sentence 和 comma splice 有什么区别?感觉都是粘连的,都是两个独立的句子杂糅在一起,求指教 running man怎么读 running怎么读 Running east well!怎么读aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssss 清( )的泉水 (括号里两个字要一样) 一什么什么的绿草 水调歌头当中表苏轼豁达胸襟的诗句是什么 running 音标 《水调歌头·明月几时有》中哪三句表达了诗人豁达的胸襟,表现了富有启迪性的哲理? 急!3Q各位啦! 希望的反义词是什么?倒霉的反义词是什么?细腻的反义词是什么? They made me a monitor.我觉得应该是 They made me be a monitor要说为什么对,为什么不对 They may choose Wang Hong monitor of their class.变为被动语态 be going to 和 will 的区别 will和be going to 的区别 ___all of them are strong candidates,only one will be chosen for the post.A since BIf CAs Dwhile 为D 请问现在除了英语什么外语最吃香啊?请好心的大哥哥大姐姐帮帮我拉!我想再学一门外语这样以后会好找工作! Only one more point will I makeonly在句首修饰副词时句子才倒装.one more 词组是副词么?如果修饰point应该是形容词,如是那样为何句子要倒装? 现在学英语最吃香的是干什么?