
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:19:33
我本应当早点来的 用英文怎么说有点自责的口气,就是迟到了很不好意思 never say never can’t wait to do sth.与 can’t wait doing sth.的区别 can't wait to do sth.还是 can't wait doing sth. 求助翻译这句话:Lets wait on the retainer until we figure out exactly what we will be doing. If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right,you'll probably never do much of anything.知道上面写的什么吗用中文翻译 (爱过)的英文怎么写? 你的最爱英文怎么写 在音乐的世界里就会想起悲伤翻译成英文是什么? 找一首歌、是一个女的唱的英文歌曲、曾经在世界十五首欧美伤感歌曲中整个曲子都是钢琴伴奏的、是在别人空间听到的不知道叫什么名字、但是之前听过几次http://user.qzone.qq.com/997913370?ptlan we should r--- the rules for school party填以R开头的R没错 The teacher wants us to r_ the rules for school party 现在完成时 持续性动词现在完成时用法二2——持续性用法(肯定句,疑问句中谓语动词必须是延续性动词)我想知道,在肯定句和疑问句中必须用延续性动词,那么,在否定句中呢?可以用短暂性 can't wait for ,can't wait to do sth.与 can't wait doing sth.三者有什么不同?最好有例句。 是can't wait to do sth.还是can't wait doing sth. 比如我看语法书上的例句一般都是:He has worked here for 5 years.Susan has just finished her homework.像work,finish 都是瞬间动词,那么现在完成时的动词是必须瞬间动词? 有没有 make sure to do 的形式 make sure可接 to 帮忙设计一个英语对话,两个人的对话,几分钟就行的1.What are the important factors for a job interviewee?And why?Choose two or more to discuss. Dress appropriately Get prepared for questions  Learn about the 英文:我要赢 怎么说? 胜利用英文怎么说 品质管理包括哪些方面 什么叫贪婪?成也贪婪,败也贪婪!什么叫贪婪?我认为不贪婪的人就是不思进取!做人就是要贪,不贪就没有进取,但不是贪得无厌~也不是说,叫你与世无争,如果一个人不贪婪,那么他就随遇而安,做 关于品质管理方面的知识 英语翻译1.Giving compliments is common ,but some people also like to "fish for compliments "2.If they are wearing a new shirt ,they might say to someone,"hey ,nice shirt man " .However ,what they really want it for the other person to notice and After people had rubbed the fish,they won money or other prizes.翻译rubbed the fish 是什么意思 时光是个旧美人英文怎么翻译 用英语怎么写 我经常买书用英语写哦 这是我的英语书,用英语怎么样写 小敏的英文怎么写 英语小怎么拼 灵敏的英文是怎么写的?