
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:40:52
After supper Mary's mother often makes her ____ (take a walk)along the river. 疯狂猜成语:"辰"字下面有颗牙齿 猜成语一个动物呲牙身上有个偷字 Why not __(make) it a little earlier ? 1.Why not to make it a little earlier?谢咯 各位高才生们哒 why don't you start a little earlier什么意思,并回答 "Why not to make it a little earlier?"找错 英语翻译It wos a terrible day for Mr and Mrs Lin.The old couple was on holiday at a mountain resort.They were taking a walk in the early afternoon when suddenly the ground started to shake.In just two minutes everything changed completely!They we it's ----- half past ten.let's go home选填:under/on/for/down/up/about/on/of 急设a为常数函数f(x)=x^2+ x+(x-a)|x-a|⑴当a=0时求函数f(x)的值域域⑵当a≥a时,解不等式f(x)≥0过程谢谢 “户犬”合在一起念什么?上下结构 户在上犬在下 8、设f(x)为可导函数,且满足∫0到x f(t)t^2 dt=f(x)+3x 求f(x) 在等边△ABC中,D,E,F分别是AB,BC,CA上的点,若三角形DEF也是等边三角形,则AD=BE=CF成立吗? 在0~x上的f(t)g(t)积分,对这个定积分求导,等于多少?在0~x上的f(x)g(x)积分,对这个定积分求导,等于多少?是等于f(x)g(x)么? how often句型?急!拜托了各位 谢谢 how often do句式写十个 how often的用法 改为间接引语:Mr Black told Jane "Come to school on time tomorrow" 赖的组词是什么? 用赖组词四个词 K为何值时,3X+(K-2)X-8=0是关于X的一元一次方程? 函数f(x)=ax平方—(3a—1)+a平方,在[1,+无穷]上是增函数,求实数a的取值范围? 余弦定理正弦定理的几何意义有什么几何意义呢?请详细说明下 最好有证明过程(或者理由)几何意义?不是证明方法? 改错:In class we often listen to our music teacher singing songs for us. listen our music teacher is playing the music of two Butterflies__——?A.what a sweet music B.how sweet music c.how a sweet music d.what sweet music music Bob doesn`t listen to the teacher,and often looks (a )最后一个是以a开头的字母 填什么 He is our teacher. We love to listen to he. 这句话哪里错了 反比例函数如图所示,已知梯型ABCO的底边AO在x轴上BC//AO,AB垂直于AO,过点C的双曲线y=k/x交OB于D,od;DB=1:2,若三角形OBC的面积等于3,则k的值? 高一几何余弦定理已知三角形ABC中,a^4+b^4+c^4=2c^2(a^2+b^2),则角C等于多少? 贵州驴子学马叫 dnf摆摊驴子怎么能驴子 at half past seven为什么前面用at而不用on,in,to