
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:25:31
意志坚强的名人故事多一点更好! 你的意志坚强吗有哪些表现举5个例子 谁能把(运杰)两个字写成开头诗, 10个好词两个字的,两个好句子要短的. He is a new student here.改为一般疑问句 2.There are 12 chairs.(改为单数句子)3.are,eighteen,girls,in her class,there.(连词成句) 运杰虽能把这两个字写成开头诗有好评 Mike is a new student,改为一般疑问句 The light music _________ very wonderful.A.looks B.hears C.sounds D.listens说一下四个看look,watch,read,see的用法,在顺便说下三个听listen sound hear的用法. The music sounds _________.单选a:wonderfully b:beautifulc:welld:beautifully我选c为何是错的,为什么准确答案是b请讲理由 The music sounds b___. 名人意志坚强的事迹 跪求中国近代历史上面对挫折而意志坚强的三个人物的事例要中国的啊 中国近代的 一个就够了不用三个了 西游记的人物及其事例各举一些有关的事例,最好3个以上,也不要太多比如:孙悟空 大闹天宫…… 关于爱心人物的故事爱心人物有那些?故事有哪些? “马来西亚初中生报考华文的原因” 老师叫我写作文呀~< 给我一些main point和supporting detai最少要4个main point1个main point 3个supporting detail open your eyes What 's the haedest thing about learning skating What’s the hardest thing about learning to ride a bike? What does the acticle_____(main)about? open your eyes - brian seo open your eyes - brian seo open your eyes - brian seo 同义句转换 Remember to close the window.RT.Remember to close the window._____ _____ _____ close the window. 同义句:Remember to close the window.()()()close the window.我想是不是Don't forget to 这几题求讲解?1.if i remember (to close) the window,th这几题求讲解?1.if i remember (to close) the window,the thief would not have got in .为什么括号里不能选 to have closed2.i want (to have given ) her a call yesterday.But there wa when someone is talking in English,( ) the main point.选项是A.look for B.see C.listen to D.hear.后面一句是:If you hear a word you don't understand,ignore it and go on listening.请写出理由! Our English teacher got ____(annoy)when he heard someone talking in class. We Chinese sometimes borrow words from English when (talking) 为什么填talking when的什么用法 英语 有人挡在汽车门前时,我很生气 I __ __ when someone __ in the bus door 关于残疾人意志坚强的事例 中国有哪些 意志坚强的人要事例!快 要几个意志坚强人的故事 今年春节三亚的气候 我想再问一下,你知道哪里能订到便宜的酒店和机票呢? from the cradle to enslave什么意思