
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:33:44
谁能帮我整理关于长江的所有的地理知识 7×(x+12)+8x=1296这个方程怎么解? 请教一个英语句子 We have build a bridge a hundred meters long.a hundred meters long是作bridge 的同位语 还是定语后置呢? 怎么区分?谢谢希望能讲的细点 因为我一直不会区分 3x²-6x+3分解因式 3x²—6x+3怎么分解因式 分解因式:3x²+6x+3 分解因式:3x³-6x²+3x= 3分钟英语演讲稿题目为one day in the future 英语演讲比赛初中组 One day in the future 一分半讲完 给几篇例文 海马是鱼类吗,鲸,海豚,龟,海豹形态结构哪像鱼 下列动物属于鱼类的是:A.海狮 B.海象 C.海马 D.海豹 “袱”在“包袱”一词中读什么 my future day 初三英语作文 15 You know ,he doesn't ( ) money .His unhappiness is for ( ) courage to face the fact.A lack of ; lack B lack ;lack of C lack ; shortage of D lack of ; a shortage of 6 -Why Tom ,you shirt is so dirty!-Mum,I ( ) my storeroom downstairs.A cleaned B ha "How does Alma like her new work?""She ( ) with the hours."A.isn't satisfiedB.doesn't satisfy应该选哪个呢?我不能区分啊``` 初中生共要学多少单词(或短语)欢迎英语专家回答! 1、It took a long time for the connection between body temperature and illness ( ).A、to be made B、to make C、making D、being made括号里填的是作什么成分?2、It remains ( ) whether I'll be fit enough to play in the finals.A、seen B 蛇蜥是蛇还是蜥蜴类啊? Where there is friend,there is strenght.意思加一句It is great to be a great man,but it is greater to be a true man. 高二英语选择题请教many Chinese universities provided scholarship for students —————— financial aid.A in need of B in face of为什么是A ?B哪里不好?financial aid 是经济帮助吗如果是的话 我觉得句子好 描写恐惧,紧张的内心活动的成语或短语有哪些 短语翻译:一次激烈的比赛 everyone needs friends.there is an old saying:翻译 用英语说:今天是2011年3月18日 星期5 刚刚考完四级自己用星火英语算分器算了一下在430到470左右,那个准吗,我能过吗. 四级算分器,星火,泸江,四易,长喜哪个更准 成人提英语四级可以报名吗? 求星火英语四级在线算分器 成人可以参加英语四级考么?我是一个英语爱好者 不上学了 就是想把英语弄好 对自己以后有帮助 谁能帮帮我 我应该怎么做真诚的谢谢能给予帮助者 This main avenue in the nation's capital would have been empty,along with many U.S.government off Many new railways have been laid down in the past few years.这个话里的laid 请翻译:A saying says,'An apple a day keeps doctor away.'