
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:57:09
为什么是are you shorter than me 而不是are you shorter than I 这种文章标题加什么标点?如:一()自信 二()自立 括号里加顿号还是实心逗号? Only Tommy in our class _______(travel) to Hainan twice. 什么是尿素 I wish you success in th future如题 为什么这里wish后不用动词用名词呢?(succeed?)那又什么时候用动词什么时候用名词呢? Eliza remebers evetything exactly as if it ___ yesterday.为什么选择happened. English to Chinese Translation (legal terms)to arrange to sell the above described Property on my behalf and to collect the sale proceeds on my behalf and to hold the same in trust on my behalf.to hold the same in trust on my behalf 好像不是承 英语翻译英译中:1、Whereas public Acts affter the public generally;private Acts only affect a limited sector of the populace,either particular people or people within a particular locality.2、The idea of binding judicial precedent is a spec afraid怎么读 英语翻译:他不敢做飞机.He was afraid ________in a plane. he only asks ()a cup of tea 用什么介词 辽宋夏金元明清是什么,夏朝过了不是商朝么,商朝过了才是周朝,夏朝不是第一个朝代么,怎么又是辽朝是第一朝代了呢?辽朝过了怎么又是宋朝?宋朝过了才是夏朝?回答一个加十分,正确采最佳 辽宋夏金元各是什么民族 五代辽宋夏金元时期的特点是什么A繁荣与开放的社会 B经济重心的南移 C国家的巩固和社会危机 D帝国的彷徨 Would you care_____a cup of tea?填什么介词啊 五代辽宋夏金元发生了什么历史事件请告诉我事件的名字..最好也写几句读后感......喀喀.. what I said?怎么写what I 后面加什么可以变成 我所……的?是过去式么?isn't it?怎么回答? 阙为开头的四字词语 百慕大有什么故事? 百慕大是什么区域,发生过什么事件? Do it c____ ,and then you'll be OKThe m____ in the restaurent had only 10 dishes.Steve is the best p____ in the scool play.Mary won a p___ in the English Speech Contest.抱歉,我做作业时才发现,我的英语书没带回来! 在百慕大发生的具体事件 I'll see you soon,then. OK,I'll do it 听_____.A.just now B.just then C.at times D.right awayOK,I'll do it _____.A.just nowB.just thenC.at timesD.right away 翻译:"ok!then,can I go out after I clean my room?和all right.I'll do it quickly Bill Gates millions of dollars to poor people in 2000.A.gave away B.gave out C.gave up gave .in,与gave. gave away 什么意思? HP 4255小车老是往左边撞,接着屏幕上显示"open door clear carriage jam,and then press ok" lenovo m7130n document jam,clear the scanner jam.then press the stop brotherfax-2820一体打印机不能复印.显示Document jam ,clear the scanner jam.then press the stop key怎么办呢?打印就可以,电话也可以打. 表达载体构建的问题.我要用PBI121做表达载体,用他上面的35S做启动子,那么我的插入目的基因的启动子是不是要和表达载体上的启动子在一个编码区,设计引物时要怎么设计才能让PBI121上的启动