
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:49:46
以绿叶为话题的作文所有题材都可以,不少500字 以绿叶为话题,写篇作文绿叶,充满着蓬勃的生机;绿叶,显示着生命的活力;绿叶,体现着高尚的灵魂、奉献的精神. 有谁有以绿叶为话题的作文500字左右 我的一日三餐用英语怎么写 广西能看到英仙座流星雨吗?我是在广西来宾市 或者 河池市的.请知道的人帮解答下.能看到的话要往哪个方位看?是用肉眼么..能回答仔细点么?比如说往什么方位和 可以用肉眼看到不? 英仙座流星雨广西能不能看到? 英仙座流星雨广西区能看见吗 2009英仙座流星雨在广西来宾可以看到吗如题还有,说是13日零点,是不是指12日12点啊? ------The great wall------(二者之一)the Palace Museum is a good place to visit the Great Wall is the _______(wonderful) place to visit in China 英文单词Black在英文里除了有黑色的意思还有什么意思?或者引深含义,我想用这个作为我的英文名字. 《被忽视的往往最美》为题写一篇作文,字数不限,体裁不限,不过最好不好写记叙文. it is a great place to visitto visit 是什么部分 how does tom__to school?he always __to school a]how long b]how soon c]how often 由红花还须绿叶扶想到的诗 time go home Thanks.where is the post office?I want to send iThanks.where is the post office?I want to send it today l want to send an e-mail 换成第三人称 I want to send these photos_______fast mail A.by B.with C.to D.for 英语翻译还有什么green hand之类的越多越好 英语中含有颜色的的短语 例如black tea 英语翻译A.black sheep 害群之马B.black smith 铁匠C.black day 阴天D.black tea 红茶 Black curly hair 是不是病词组速度回答-老师说这是病词组 I have not seen him for the last two months. We can't find him anywhere.perhaps he ( )home,AWe can't find him anywhere.perhaps he ( )home,A.is going B went C.has come D would come They will ______to New Yoek A.Leave B.return back C.arrive C.go back We can not find him any there.Perhaps he ___home.是用went还是has come.为什么. Where is Jim?O can't find him anywhere.DonWhere is Jim?I can't find him anywhere.Don'tyou know?He ___(go)to his hometown.When ___he ___(come)back?In a month. They don't learn any life skills until they go to college改为一般疑问句 where is jack?i can't find him anywherehe___his homework upstairsA might be doing B must do 选什么 why 是不是错了 How does tom get to Beijing?什么意思 study,brother,which,Tom’s,in,school,does[?]连词成句 can,how,get,I,bank,the,to连词成句