
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:54:10
1.How old are you?(同义句)What's ___ ___?2.You are welcome.(同义句) That's ____ ____.3.We have( an Art Festival) each year.(对括号内提问) ____ ______ ____ you have each year?4.---Is your school trip on June 1st ---Yes,______ _____. 1.在吃生日蛋糕前,我先许愿.Before I eat the birthday cake,I_____ _____first.2.市中心有一个大型的购物商场.There is a big shopping mall_____ _____ _____ ______the city.3.我正在打110寻求帮助.I'm _____110____ _____now.4.你 Children should (应该) eat lots of f_______. Walk along the street u______ you come to a white house at the end of the street.并翻译 Life is what you mak 比如小燕子冬天从北方飞到南方,春天从南方飞回北方.迁徙的鸟叫候鸟,那不迁徙的呢 in China ,all the students work hard at school ___ going to university for higher education....in China ,all the students work hard at school ___ going to university for higher education.A.in the habit of B.in the hope of C.in search of D.in honor of like I will believe it 如何表达信用程度深 在英语里 like i will believe u deeper and deeper.这样吗 How to say “what’s your nationality” in Mandarin Chinese?I'm learning Chinese by myself; I want to learn how to say “what’s your nationality” in Chinese? the police did not think that the driver drove his car after drinking与the police ____ out the possibility that the~同上 翻译 poor restart是一种焊接缺陷 believe,you,that,this,for,do,car,is,sale组句 英语翻译我想知道是否有 be trained with 这个句型呢? 候鸟南飞是什么意思 歌词 看着候鸟飞看着候鸟飞 我依然回味里面好象有着句歌词是女的唱的 抒情的歌曲 候鸟为什么来回的飞?天冷了,候鸟飞到了南方,为什么来年还要飞北方呢,来回飞来飞去不累吗我是做电子技术的,业余的很,就直观的一两句话说一下,那些鸟为什么还飞到北方呢,一直在南 候鸟南飞是几月份? - What is your nationality?- I am a Chinese 还是 I am Chinese 还是都行 Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body. what起什么作用?谢谢帮助 i told you he couldn't play the violin,A.did i B.didn't i C couldn't he D.could he为什么不选D 歌词 为救李郎离家园 谁料皇榜中状元 歌名叫什么? He told me that the firm couldn;t pay such large salaries.我想问,这里的such,可以换成so么? 为救李郎离家园 谁料皇榜中状元 He informed the police(nformed可以换成以下哪个词)A.told B.called C.asked A man lead a horse to the water ,but he cannot make him drink 什么么意思? 这首歌2007年出来的,是一个女歌手唱的,翻唱自黄梅戏为救李郎离家园! 候鸟是南飞的还是北飞 候鸟南飞是物理信息传递吗 那候鸟南飞算什么信息传递? 将三根半径为10厘米的圆钢捆在一起,至少要多少厘米? What did you do with your car?I lost my key,so I have to( )it in the park.A.lock B.repair C.leave D.pass