
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:43:57
周国平简介短,但是要精确 周国平简介文章 grade,when,told,got,i,math,my,father,annoyed,him,my连词成句 用here造句 急.急.过了6月7日无效 万用表上字母M一H,F一S,D一H分别代表什么意思 请用“working here for"造句 求“老师指派我去做这件事情”的翻译,要有“appointment"这个词 This is your football shoe.Where's _______?A other one B the other one C other ones D the other onThis is your football shoe.Where's _______?A other one B the other one C other ones D the other ones(请讲出原因) Is this your shoe?Yes,it is.But where is___?a.the othersb.other onec.anotherd.the other one 善良丰富高贵怎么样 感谢你对我的回答.斗神,你可以弄个大点的信封,然后拿大点的纸张,把它伪装成信封再寄给我.哈哈!邮费可以省到一元以下了吧? 万用表的CX英文全写是什么 What is the different between"begin to do"and "begin doing"? What's the different between "try to do" and "try doing"?举例..*` ,1 不要太复杂的. what do you like doing want to watch children programme? YOU are so busy .what do you want me ? for you A do B done C to do D doing 定语从句this is 和thethe factory _______ we visited is a large one 这里填 which这里的factory是visited的宾语is this the village _____ you said in your letter your grandpa was once hidden from the enemy's pursue 可是这里为什么就 连词成句 fifteen your do you aroundb homework at do seven?快帮帮我,SOS 求歌词:this is the train from bloemfontein 谁会这道题:This is the train __ This is the train ____ we went to Shanghai. [ ] A.on which B.by that C.by which D.on that 英语翻译La mujer que camina delante de su sombra,aquella a quien precede la luz,como las aves de las celebracionesThe woman that walks in front of her shadow,who by which the light precedes,as the birds of the celebrations ____did your father give you besides the bike? A.what B.what else C.what things D.what else things详解 Btw what do you besides your studies? 连词成句 besides,did ,what,TV,do ,you,else,watching(?) there is very little_ the company can do about this_ it is not their responsibility.There is very little ___ the company can do about this ___ it is not their responsibility.A.for which;though B.that;since C.about which;so that D.which;as if简单分 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直.英文翻译 What---------you---------(do)from 6p.m to 8p.m yesterday evening?I was doing my homework all the ttime. 英语翻译이것이 동아시아의 정치사이자 사상사였다고 할 수 있다. 英语翻译食品外卖收费标准:[中式宴会] 500元/人或菜肴标准5000元/桌起订[茶歇] 88元/人*50人或食品消费5000元起订[冷餐会、自助餐]午餐:200元/人*60人或10000元/场起订 晚餐:300元/人*60人或20000 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直. 作者,出处? 全文!一直知道这句话,但是不知道出处 作者希望大家告诉我,谢谢哈!难道没一个人能给我个答案吗? 中国驻德国大使馆的电话是多少? 英语翻译“中国驻奥地利大使馆”用英文怎么写?