
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:46:53
中翻英,就几句话,不要google,口译员要立刻复述的是只讲一次的话,所以在口译中短期记忆也很重要.但只靠大脑记忆是有限的,所以做口译笔记很必要.口译笔记(Note-taking) 有别于会议记录,也不是 Our school is close _ the radio station.Ato Bof Con Dabout 扇子的种类有哪些 They _ go to work today A:aren;t B:don;t C:don't D:isn'tThey _ go to work today A:aren;t B:don;t C:doesn't D:isn't 扇子有多少种类?不包括用电的. 我曾经在一期英语杂志上看到过,有一句是“We aren't starting work.”start不能表示正在进行的动作.那么,为什么要用现在进行时?提高奖金. 使用手摇扇子的好处有哪些 改错.I am taller than any boys in my class___________.She is the oldest in us three.________. Tom has ___ ____ ___ that lost pen汤姆一直在找那只丢失的钢笔,翻译 ___you___(think)that he ____(find)his lost son one day?应该怎么填啊? where. where什么意思 一直线过点A(-2,-1.5),且被圆x2+y2=25所截得的弦长为8,则此直线方程错了,(-3,-1.5) 对下列句子中的划线部分进行提问,每空一词(含缩略形式).1.That is a green quilt.用 a green quilt提问___________ is that?2.Her cup is red.用 red 提问___________ ___________ is her cup? 如何珍惜自己 珍惜自己拥有的……为题的作文 人为什么不会珍惜自己所拥有的? 珍惜自己所拥有的,不要去追求哪些不是自己的格言 he said that the girl with a long hair is his cousin.为什么用is而不是was呢? 工地上有一级箱,二级箱,三级箱.三种箱子里各安装了塑壳式断路器,漏电式断路器.但是跳电的时候三级箱里的漏电断路器跳电以及一级箱里的漏电断路器跳电.请问能不能不让一级箱里的开关 检查每个回路中漏电开关的分合状态,如果出现某个漏电开关跳电,可以控制相应接触器动作,请具体赐教是否可用带OF辅助触点的漏电开关来实现?可否给出具体型号? 每空一词(含缩略形式)the girl sees (many flowers )in the market.((对括号部分进行提问)____ _____the girl ____in the market? 塔吊主勾下的时候一档跳电是怎么回事、是塔吊下面的漏电断路器跳闸.不是塔吊上面的启动跳?接触器查过了,,主勾下的时候反应有点慢,会不会是塔吊后面配重那里的刹车太紧?主要就是上面 I. 句型转换,每空一词(含缩略形式)I.\x05句型转换,每空一词(含缩略形式)1..I would like to drink( a glass of milk)(对括号部分提问)(   )  (   ) you like to drink 2.Why don’t you spcak 提高篇1.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词(含缩略形式).A. Would you like ro go ro school ( ) B.Tony ( ) ( )  look after his grandparents.C.( ) ( )  I can ‘t go to your home.D . Lisa ( ) ( 同义句转换,每空一词(含缩略形式).如下:1.Nike and John were born in the same year.nick is___ ___ ___ John.2.Ann isn't as tall as Amy .Ann is___ ___ Amy.3.Some students think PE is not as imortant as the other subjects.Some student 用英语翻译这句话:我拥有它三年了 Let us go to the library?的同义句------ ------going to the library? Let us go to the library. 改为同义句 ( )( )going to the library? 括号里填什么Let us go to the library. 改为同义句 ( )( )going to the library? 括号里填什么 ?shall we 还是How about 文言文三人市虎的原文加译文!急!~~~~~~~~~~~~~! 问一下이민호 아내是什么意思啊?