
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:11:52
假期预习有什么好处如果课前可以预习的话,那假期预习还有用吗 Can you lend me ( ) money ? Yes , but only ( ) pounds .A.few;little B.little:few C.a little;a few D.a few;little either book is good 还是are 不是你对就是他对either you are right or he is either you or he is right哪个对? on either side of the road are trees,为什么是are而不是is,详解, 高中英语怎样去预习? 高中英语应该怎么预习? 预习高中英语时,课本有那些要背的文章呢?背课文有用吗? 高中英语单词想在课本中找例句基本要把整个单元都预习一遍才行,不是每次都有如此充足的时间去预习的.没有例句背单词没有意义不是吗? He’s going at 3 o’clock.画线部分提问画线部分是 at 3 o’clock He came here to buy some apples的同义句 He came to( ) ( ) to buy some apples.说明原因. some()came to the city to buy some books 用village的适当形式 1.-Which do you like better,cake or bread?-____ is OK.I'm hungry now.A.Either B.NeitherC.Both D.Nothing2.-We're leaving for the aquarium soon.Look at Sandy,she looks quite excited.-Of course.She has never ___ an aquarium before.A.gone B.been C.gone t which would you like,tea or coffee?Either () Ok ,but I perfer coffee () tea A is ,to B are,withC is,with D are,towhy? a fish with 8 legs 用一个英语单词怎么表示 In other space,there was once an Insect X and 20 Insect Y.With in a second,an Insect X ate InsectY,and at the same time every Insect X and every Insect Y broke up into two.Finally Insect X ate all the Insect Y.How many second did it take? 1)An insect has --------- legs.A.six B.four C.eight选择填空,将正确答案填在横线上. 什么时候背单词最容易记住? 如何更有效的背单词,记住单词啊?背单词的过程中,发现背的单词数量越多,每天需要回头复习的单词数量也越多,我英语水平不太好,所以以前没有记过多少单词,但市面上3000,5000个单词的那种词 背单词时候----你们对一般的单词,什么意思都记住的吗? 自干金属油墨配方谁能告诉我一下啊总感觉自干金属油墨的遮盖力不是很好啊?是自干金属油墨配方里面少了什么成分吗?我们订购了大批所以想找公司帮忙分析一下,一定要是靠谱的公司啊 SS16-611油墨印在金属上面要烘烤多少度才会干? 金属油墨干了如何清洗掉 寻求速干油墨,盖印在金属上的.要求速干,不褪色,黑白色 Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?-I’m afraid _____ day is possiple.A.either B.neither C.some选B,be动词应该用are啊! 谷歌金山词霸能否添加词库吗 where dose thursday come before tuesday? "it may even come on a tuesday"的意思,为什么用“Tuesday”而不是Wednesday,Thursday 等等句前还有in fact ,i bet it comes when you are doing your duty ,your job,or your work.再是上面的句子了,为什么要用这句话呢, He usually watches a movie at home with his friends.(对划线部分提问)_____ ______does he usually watch a movie at home? 背单词时如何集中注意力背单词时老是想别的事情,好不容易回过神来,背了几个又走神了,大家帮帮忙,本想用暑假背单词的,大家出个主意,谢了. 我发现我背单词的注意力总是不够集中 怎么办?还有怎样的 办法可以快速背单词? 背单词的时候老是注意力不集中,想别的事,导致效率很低