
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 09:33:40
sports star eats well改写成第三人称叙述文章Sports Star Eats Well!David asks the volleyball star,Cindy Smith,about her eating habits.D:Hello,Cindy.What do you like for breakfast?C:I love fruit.I think it's healthy.D:OK.So what fruit do you the school was a very difficult period of my life.i first met him at that time 合并为定语从句 句型转换 We find that it is difficult to learn several languages at the same time .We find____ ____ _____ _____ several languages at the same time. Jim had a good time in Hainan.(改为同义句)Jim—— —— in Hainan. I had a r_____on my classmates vacation in class. 帮忙把ps里的英文命令给我换成中文的选择Layer菜单的Type项,执行Render命令,将各个文本层转化为普通层.6.选择Layer菜单的Effects项,执行Belev and Emboss命令,分别给各个数字所在的层添加导角和浮雕 介绍自己的家庭 用英语表达! 我的压岁钱怎么用作文400字 压岁钱怎么用作文 200字 her vacation was great 对great提问 Wow!How great the summmer vacation was!Time went by "曾经沧海难为水" "灿如桃花易飘灵"是什么意思 求一篇《除夕之夜》作文.500~600字左右.重点是看烟花. 痛过之后就不会觉得痛了,有的只会是一颗冷漠的心,英语怎么讲!RT, 除夕之夜作文500字 “楼兰”有什么寓意吗? 楼兰是什么意思 代称的含义 “楼兰”指( ) 楼兰女郎什么意思 曾经沧海难为水的出处及其整首诗的意思 英语阅读理解3 三道英语阅读, 三篇英语阅读 We____that he _____come.A,believe,won‘t B,not believe,will C,don't believe,will D,believe,not I did not forget,that day will come,believe me嘛意思 如何用物理知识解释我们能在水中自由自互地游动 Denis was a thief.He wrote a letter to another thied Pat.But the police got the letter.It reads:BNLD ZS LHCMHFGS ZMC GZUD SGD SGHQSM ONTMCR VHSG XNT.What's it about?How can you read it?The policemen were quick.They studied the letter carefully and so This is not the world we know.This world is controlled by computers.Men and women can be seen,but they are following orders given to them by machines.The machines were designed by mad scientists,but at some point even the mad scientists were taken ov That day will come 周公解梦:水中的鱼在天空中游是什么意思? 周公解梦:水中的鱼在天空中游还发出光是什么意思? Thank you for your listening…AndI'msosorrytomakeyoucry