
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 19:10:18
能给我传初中 英语课堂同步听力MP3格式的文件么, you,a,have,dictionary,got Do you have an English dictionary?(用he代替you改写句子) 英语改错题该怎么改?如:Jim have a divtionary Do you have one?横线是画在 have (A) dictionary(B)DO (C)have(D) There are not only many ancient goods but also some modern technology.语法正确吗?前面ancient goods 有复数,后面modern technology不用变复数吧 翻译Is it true that in china there are flats only? there are not ---------books there is only one A.some B.any C.many D.much--------选择填空急 小时候 英语怎么说 英语翻译浅谈国内微博对新闻传播的影响摘要:当今社会已经进入了微博时代,这不仅仅意味着全民交流信息的个人媒体时代的到来,也把发布者和接受者有机地结合在了一起,这样一种全新的 ()“I have bought an English-Chinese dictionary.”原因 In order to have a brighter future!We work hard together.Remember to happi 2012年雅思、托福、GRE、GMAT、BEC、PETS、或口译证书在武汉的报名时间,报名费用及难度(各个等级) 英语翻译1.由于疾病,他不得不辍学.2 我把她疲惫的脸色看作我该离开的暗示.3 我们着急要听到有关最新发展情况的信息.4 她太天真以致任何人都能利用她 一个三位数42 □,□里填上( ),就是2和3的公倍数.急 There is some newspapers on the table. 哪里错了? I work hard.You work___(hard)thanI.He works___(hard)of us easy的副词__ where的同音词___ inside的反义词___ 假设你是李雷,上个月你参加了学校的英语角活动,请你把参加活动的情况用英语写一封信告诉你的笔友王飞.80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数.信的内容应包括以下要点:1.活动地点: 英语翻译 We must __D___ our turn a long time to pay for what we buy.A.wait B.look at C.look for D.wait for为什么?这里的turn是什么意思?这句话怎么翻译? think,thrillers are boring student some连词成句 I don't think it is r___.I think that everyone should do some chores in each family! are’t 的 同音词 are't 同音词?are't的同音词,快 are的同音词是神马?同音词! hare(同音词) they are(缩写形式) In order to _ your goals,you must work hard.A achieve B.make C.develop D.grow what a long time he's been waiting,isn't it? what a long time he's been waiting,isn't it?对吗,为什么 We have been waiting a long time.不用for a long time 如何高效率地背单词和文章(英语) some newspaper +s吗