
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 03:02:25
enough to,too to,so that怎样换用 so……that,enough to,too……to的意思分别是什么? too...to;so...that;enough...to的区别是什麼啊? I have many books(改为否定式) I have two books.(变否定句和一般疑问句) l have many books 否定句 i have (many story books.) 括号部分要求改成一般疑问句,怎么改?还有什么是疑问句,什么是一般疑问句 it ( is )six years since he ( began )to learn english为什么是上面这个用法啊,since不是加完成时的吗,我觉得是was,began 2.We ____(begin) to learn English since 3 years. Six years has passed since he began to learn English.为什么Six years用has而不用have呢? 请以孙中山及革命事迹为题写一篇不少于2000字的历史论文 描写亲情的记叙文的事例像那种我生病了,母亲背我去医院的事例就不要说了快,事例不要太老套! why don't you watch english-language videos?(改为同义句)__ __ watch english-language videos? I think English is a ( ) language.(use) why don't you watch english language videos?《改为同一句》急需 1. It `s five years since I _________(study)English. 2.He always has ______(那么)little trouble.1. It `s five years since I _________(study)English. 2.He always has ______(那么)little trouble. 3.I don`t know _______(是,否)to go .4.The I have many friends.(改为否定句) 求几个适合写记叙文的事例,顺便加上感悟, 中考作文写努力最后成功的记叙文事例杭州地区 作文基本年年记叙文 而且都是关于努力后成功的 (例如12年《一份满意的答卷》 11年《成长路虽无捷径》)问问有什么题材可以写?我现在都 记叙文事例我要2个事例我眼中的他 譬如民工和我之间发生的事情(我不要民工的)只需一小段话来概括一下我和ta之间发生的事情不要给我文章 论文 孙中山民生主义评述 2000字以上 形容一直反复的成语 有哪个成语是用来形容每天都重复做一件或几件事的啊 孙中山把临时大总统让位于袁世凯,为什么袁世凯要逼溥仪退位? 为什么孙中山成为大总统后,让位袁世凯. why not watch English language videos?(改为同义句),,watching English language videos? They have many books at home,don't they?/( (反义疑问句) 对戊戌变法和洋务运动失败的原因有何认识 It is five years since we began to enjoy a ___spring holidey each year.为什么填ten-day 洋务运动和戊戌变法失败的原因是什么 It____five years since they ____ to China.A.was,moved B.was ,have moved C.is,have moved D.is,moved 英语翻译A few stolen moments is all that we share 我们分享偷闲的一些时光 You've got your family,and they need you there 你有你的家庭,他们需要你,Though I've tried to resist,being last on your list 你有你的家庭,他们需