
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:13:12
make sb.cheer up 英语翻译정슬기 是一个韩国女歌手.她是出生90年的女歌手郑瑟奇好像不对 英语翻译反正前后2个字肯定对 中间的不确定 帮我找找吧 1.The have some problems ____(travel) out.2.The mechanics need to keep______(work) on the car 英语翻译吴什么美,对嘛中间那个字叫什么韩语翻译 Thank you for ()(help)me with my English. I have difficulty( )(work)out the mach problem He has some________ the maths problem.A.difficulty to work on B.difficulty to work outC.difficu1\He has some________ the maths problem.A.difficulty to work on B.difficulty to work outC.difficulty in working on D.difficulty in working out2\Good hobbie 1.in one's spare time 2.be busy with 3.look forward to doing 4.like ...best 用这几个单词造句 请问Mia和Elena之间,哪个英文名比较好?本人是一个笑点很低的人,超爱笑的,但其实也很容易感伤,个人感觉,我是一个比较简单,说直白一点就是,迷糊和少根筋,还有点小清新这两个名字,从发音难 왕미하 这个名字怎么翻译? 英语翻译미소양是一个韩国模特的名字 have some difficulties还是difficulty in 用所给单词填空 I have some difficulties ( )the w用所给单词填空 I have some difficulties ( )the work in two days.finish为所给单词,在括号后面. I have done much of the work.Could you please finish___in two days?A.the restB.the otherC.anotherD.the others 我是学习汉语的韩国人,汉语介词短语可以做主语吗?如果有的话,请举个几个例子, 英语的介词短语可以做主语吗?较大功率的柴油机的汽缸往往按V形排列,汽缸在中线的左侧或右侧,以一定角度交错安排,汽缸以V形排列的柴油机比全部汽缸单列的柴油机更能缩短其总长度.对应 介词短语为什么不能做主语 写出反义词:white—— strong—— here—— white strong here 这些单词的反义词是什么? Why Chinese people always eat cats and dogs?I don't understand. Cats dogs,and chicks live in people’s homes.如何翻译? 初二同义句转换 in china,people always eat with chopsticks=in china ,people always - - - -( 四个空 why chinese people are always discriminate poor guy? YUI这个英文名有什么含义我想取YUI作为自己的英文名,可以么,适合女孩子用么~想知道它的含义撒,谢啦 Mio 和Yui 做英文名,哪个好呢?或者有什么好听的推荐 They have a difficult time (to work /working) it on .到底用哪个?请说明理由! 请问STAND BY Sb中文是? 直接用 By sb stand by sb,stand behind sb,stand by one's side三者有什么区别 strong的英文的反义词是什么 strong的反义词是什么