
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 14:19:21
帮起个英文名字,要Devil开头的. 翻译:这位运动员在奥林匹克运动会上获得两块金牌 龙属于哪种动物类群 一个龙字,周围有三撇,猜一成语. 1.一点一横长,一撇向西方,并排两棵树,栽在石头上.( ) 2.二十四小时,莫当日字猜.( ) 3.左看马靠 撇捺近,言无信,喝一壶,好兴奋 猜三个数字 判断下列从句1 do you know the man who is talking with you brother2 mr smith is the person with whom i am working3 the boy whom she loved died in the war 4 i like the books whose topics are about history5 a plane is a machine that can fly6 the p 区别下列从句Is this the museum_____they visited yesterday?(which/that/不填)Is this the museum_____they stayed yesterday?(where) 俄有诈伪者事泄,胄据法断流以奏之.帝曰:“朕下敕不首者死,今断从流,是④示天下以不信.卿欲卖狱乎?”胄曰:“陛下当即杀之,非臣所及.既付有司,臣不敢亏①法.”帝曰:“卿自守法,而令 遽言侂胄用兵事 遽 北京南站到赛特奥莱怎么去 周敦颐是元公几号 元公是周敦颐的谥号么?号和谥号有什么区别? excel怎样把数字横排排顺 如 135792468 排成 123456789 鹌鹑属于鸟还是禽?今天吃砂锅,突然有人问鹌鹑是鸟还是禽,所以就来问问大家喽! 70107—the houses at capilco and cuexcomate were so small that most domestic activity probably took place in the patio outside,which was kept clear of debris.4666 想问:1—which was kept clear of debris:怎么翻译?特别是keep 保持碎片 短文改错 The most embarrassed experience for Amy took place ata wedding ceremony,that was held in a small restaurant without any air-conditioner. In a move that most Koreans consider fixed,the American Apolo Anton Ohno,took the gold instead.这是课本上看到的一句话,关于韩国足球的,这句话实在无法理解. the houses at capilco and cuexcomate were so small that most domestic activity probably took place in the patio outside,which was kept clear of debris.4666 家养鹌鹑鸟会孵蛋吗?养了对鹌鹑,下蛋后会它们会自己孵化吗? 大公无私描写什么的 英语 第二大题 有采纳100分英语第二大题有采纳100分 仿写句子,人生的价值是什么?是大公无私,是为他人着想,是为集体着想,是为国家着想…… 人生价值是什么?是大公无私,是为他人着想,为集体着想,为国家着想,仿写句有 仿照人生的价值是什么?是大公无私,是为他人着想,为集体着想,为国家着想,写幸福是什么/急 有没有这个词啊 que xin bu yi是确信不疑 还是确信不以 又还是确信不已 或者是其他的……那个yi 到底是哪个yi 人生的价值是什么?是大公无私,是为他人着想,为集体着想,为国家着想.仿写:友谊的真谛是什么?——————————————————————————— 人生的价值是什么?是大公无私,是为他人着想,为集体着想(仿写句子) 急!今天下午的 At Georgia! 是什么意思 什么是橡胶异形件 如何有效提升橡胶件产品的精密度?橡胶异型杂件内部的毛边怎么办?橡胶件孔内夹缝处总有毛边,客户提出10倍放大不能有异样的精度要求,怎么办,四川有没有专门提高橡胶件精度的行业或者技 是We are the winner.还是We are winner?