
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 22:18:10
There are nine pencils in the he is helpful同义句 he is helpful. he is of help.两个句子一样吗? 用HE代替THEY改写句子they like pears 自然数到n的平方和有办法因式分解或变成类似于因式分解的总结式的式子吗?注意,是平方的和,不是和的平方 which else ,what else ,where else谁能给我解释一下,并写出例句 观徐悲鸿的《九方皋》,写一篇三四百字的观后感. 读后感啊.读后感.中一的.3百字.有感想.有简介.任何书都可以!但是.要有意义! 把I am busy改用he 作主语要变什么?怎么变?类似的I作主语的句子怎么变HE作主语?| 用he作主语例句:I am tired.(He is tired) 解决: 1.I always try to get up early.2.I might see you next week.3.I always enjoy a good film.4.I had finished my work before you came.5.I watch TV every night. 怎么用he作主语请告诉我有没有错:1.I am busy.(He is busy.)2.I am learning English.(He is learning English.)3.I have a new book.(He has a new book.)4.I live in the county.(He lives in the country.)5.I shall see you tomorrow.(He shall see I'm like you翻译中文 bec中级听力填词部分小写了还给分吗我没看到答题卡上的要求,结果听力填词全部用了小写, 请问你是不是有bec higher benchmark 的听力呀,可以给我发下吗?我找得好苦,kqyvonne@163.com 谢请问你是不是有bec higher benchmark 的听力呀,可以给我发下吗?我找得好苦,kqyvonne@163.com bec听力填词那部分若是出现有连字符的单词怎么往答题纸上写?连字符也占一个格子吗?BEC中级考试的听力第一部分是填词,在答题纸上要用大写字母书写,而且一个字母占一格,但是我刚才做BEC 芭蕾舞剧堂吉诃德观后感要求1500字以上老师要一份对于芭蕾舞剧《堂吉诃德》的观后感1500以上的…… "We'll make public schools __ can be,"said the President in the speech.A.all theyB.what itC.that they D.all it An eighth grader said ,“It'll be like attending a new school with Jeff as president.”Hearing these words made my heart filled with pride .I had wanted to become president of Student Council to make a difference ,I achieved that and more by workin His mother said:"Don't make any mistakes in school."(Change into indirect speech ) 你在失物招领盒里看到了什么 What do you see in the 幸福街里place 3 beach floor怎么做 They made the school a place for s__ experiments. marketing里的place是什么意思我在百度百科里看了,解释的是渠道,我这个要做一个英文的presentation,所以要解释这一点,求大神给我一个通俗易懂的解释 蒋介石是不是民族主义者?7 想讨一本书 想讨一本书一个寒冷的冬日,我驱车去接方先生和他刚相识的申女士.共进午餐后,申女士接受了方先生的邀请,来到了方先生的住处——位于龙华的一幢豪华别墅.下车后,我们看见门 what can you see in twelve pictures?这句话怎么改 英语翻译是翻译不要赏析 Do you like PE?No,I'd_________. Xiushui Market is the place to go for designer knockoffs.翻译 Do you like chocolates?No,___(特别) 极品飞车5怎么卖车,但他写yon cannot place this car on the usd market等 ___fruit we bought at the market was fresh.--That's the best place to buy__fruitA The some BThe ,the CThe ,不填,选哪 只有你能帮我,