
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:42:43
I often go to play basketball ( ) my friends “凹”字的部首是什么?有谁知道“凹”字的部首是什么呀?越快越好! Could you give me______?a.an advice b.advices c.some advice d.some advices 凹的部首应该是什么? Could you give me ()?A.some advice B.some advices C.an advice D.such an advice 选哪个 凹字的部首是什么?凸字的部首是什么? Could you please give her ? A.an advice B.some advices C.some advice D.a good advice求解 凹查什么部首快 凹查什么偏旁 I often play with my friends there.有语病吗 凿的部首 凹是什么偏旁 He gave me ()yesterday.an advice some advices a lot of advices some advice l would like to be a awyer英语作文 just want take..with you :what do u mean bjust want take..with you :what do u mean by that? What shall we do with the things left Take what you want and throw the ____awayA other B another C rest D one what do you want with me what do you want to talk with ,______or______?( )a.he;sheb.him;herc.she;himd.their;usMaybe he is our new Maths teacher.(改为同义句)He _____ _____ our new Maths teacher.Your new classmates aren't nice to you.I think.(两句合并成一句) I ____ matlab初学,当函数 是sin(4x)/x的时候无法fft,实部消失 ,ifft也回不到原函数了,为什么 matlab fourier()怎么用?与fft()函数的区别是什么?最好举个例子,比如门信号的,还有变换后怎么画出幅频图和相频图? 关于matlab中fft与ifft的问题X=fft(x);magX=abs(X);angX=angle(X); Y=magX.*exp(1i*angX);y=ifft(Y);-----------------------------------------------为什么x和y不一样? 是what is Beijing like?还是how is Beijing like? What Beijing is like in 2008和What is Beijing like in 2008一样吗? 用《秋思》张籍 这首诗编一个故事! 怎么把秋思这首诗编成一个小故事 好词好句 句子要100字左右的词语要有内涵!惆怅之类的 句子要是好作文里的句子 !最主要的是有内涵有文化!蟹蟹各位亲娘亲爹好哥哥好姐姐的答案! 观看《动物世界》写一篇观后感,500字,联系生物知识来写. 动物世界或人与自然之类的观后感!400字左右! 观看《动物世界》或《人与自然》等写一篇有关生物繁殖的观后感 急!我是中学生2月9号9点之前要 《人与自然》或《动物世界》的观后感6篇 what do you want to eat?(改为同义句)快 what do you want to eat?