
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:54:26
题目:你认为爱是什么? 它可能是( ),让你(题目:你认为爱是什么?它可能是( ),让你( )它可能( ),让你( ). He took some money ___ his pocket and paid for painting.A.out B.out of C.from D.outside of 这题怎么选Every night he took a bag of rice from his store-room and went across the field__theirEvery night he took a bag of rice from his store-room and went across the field__their house,puting it into his brother'sb store-room请详细解答 AAaa有多少个染色体组? 基因组成为Aa,是有两个染色体组么,要是不是的话那用秋水仙素后,变成的AAaa为什么是四个染色体组(四倍体)呢? 请问这个细胞有几个染色体组,我觉得因为他有4个等位基因,AAaa.Dddd所以他是4个染色体组,可答案为什么是2个? _____it is to play with you A.how fun B.what fun 字典里说说FUN名词形容词都可以,那这里应该选什么呢?为什么不是作ADJ呢? 英文网聊,不是专业术语,只是普通的网聊口语,类似打招呼,问候,寒暄之类,请说具体意思。例如SIT 是 “stay in touch” 那sim 是什么?不要给我sim卡这样的答案,这个时代60岁以前10岁以后 网聊英语缩写谁能告诉我网聊的英语缩写啊,全一点哦, 英语网聊J/K是什么意思? 英文中 描写人物外貌的诗词名言 会说话的猴子怎么样 英语翻译Thus,the measurement of chlorophyll content is of interest both for predicting seed protein content of a soybean crop and for estimating the status of N fixation.利益?兴趣?好像都不通吧. hold my interest 翻译 ,hold意思 He wants to be a famous singer.(改为将来时态) He _ _He wants to be a famous singer.(改为将来时态) He _ _ _ _ a famous singer. He wants to be a famous singer,改为同义句 为什么有人说我吊儿郎当我也不知道为什么,有人说我吊儿郎当,可是我自己没感觉啊,我蛮认真的 He wants to be a famous s. He wants to be a famous editor.改为同义句He ____ ___ to ____ a famous editor. 什么叫吊儿郎当? 猴子为什么不会说话谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 为什么鹦鹉会模仿我们人类说话?而最接近人类的猴子却不会说话呢? 猴子猩猩什么的跟人差不多但是它们怎么不会说话啊? The picture is believed ____ painted by tomA being B to be C to being D to have been 【 需要有解释.】 7.Mr King didn’t know _____yesterday evening .A.when does his son come home B.when his son came home C.when did his son come home8.Would you please tell me ________ A.where do you come from B.where you live C.where do you live?我选的CA答案BB Mr Green didn't go for a walk as usual___yesterday evening?A:on B:/为什么选B?我选A因为具体某一天用介词on A healthy diet alone with exercise will help you look better,fell better and live longer如何翻译 急求bec高级真题第3,4辑听力mp3(人邮版的),其中任何一辑都可以.邮箱2007chenhuzhen@163.com 万分感激非常感激好心人 求BEC高级人邮版真题听力第二辑和第三辑MP3!哪位好心人发下我邮箱~~ 感激不尽!我的邮箱是fxx_89@163.com 单倍体育种原理为什么是染色体数目变异,哪里数目变啦,不是先花药离体(染色体数目减半),再秋水仙素(染色体数目加倍)了么,相当于数目没变啊,还是原理是染色体结构变异?有哪里结构 请哪位高手帮我预测哈今年的六级成绩啊,能过吗?实在感谢听力20个正确 完型7个 快速阅读5个 填空阅读3个 仔细阅读8个 能过吗 谢谢