
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:59:13
英语课文Jimmy is five old and he is already very good at painting.He paints many beautiful and interesting pictures,and people pay lots of money for them.Theysay,"This boy is going to be famous(著名的)when he is a little older,and then we 都很简单的,帮我看一下〓〓carefully 它的形容词 ______him 它的反身代词_____№2 什么是反身代词? 有一个三角形,它的一个角是锐角,它可能是()三角形 有一个锐角的三角形是什么三角形 1.Ann ia aways the one ( ) in her class.(能否说一下为什么这么选)A.to come school B.come to schoolC.to come to school D.comes to 2.一直往前走,然后在第二个路口向右拐.(翻译成英文) 1.凯蒂喜欢唱歌.你能听见她正在隔壁唱歌吗?Kitty likes singing.Can you( )next door?2.I don't know what kind of pet I should get.(同义句改写)I don't know ( ).还有这道题的原句为什么是“...of pet I should get”而不是 一个三角形最小的内角是45度 按角分这是一个(A钝角 B直角 C锐角 )三角形三个角互不相等 有一些关于虚拟语气的英语题!在线回答!用百度Hi! 1.__be sent to work there?a.Who do you suggest b.Who do you suggest that shouldc.Do you suggest who should D.Do you suggest whom should,为什么不选B?2.If I had worn my overcoat,I __cold.A,won't have caught B.won't catchC.couldn't have caught D.wo (英语)关于虚拟语气的题.My wife dosen't know how much money I spent in buying lottery.If she ever found out,I'm sue ____.A.she'd never forgive me B.she never forgives meC.she will never forgive meD.she does never forgive meA 我选择的C为 用反证法证明在一个三角形中至少有两个锐角 1.The teacher agreed to the suggestion that the students ___ two weeks to prepare for the exam.A.give B.should give C.be given D.would be given 2.I was busy yesterday,otherwise I ___ your birthday party.A.attended B.had attended C.would attend D.woul 英语虚拟语气题3.If he _________ me tomorrow,I would let him know.A.should call B.should not have been able C.were not able D.are not able 为什么选A呢?7.Had Paul received six more votes in the last election,he ____________our chairman now. 观众提问.情商与智商谁更重要辩论.班级辩论赛,设计了一项观众提问的环节,可以向反对的一方提问,辩论主题如题,对方是“智商比情商更重要”.求几个刁钻的问题,能把对方哽住那种,好的追 现代社会中,智商与情商谁更重要 关于能力与信心谁更重要的辩论赛要辩能力更重要的 一个三角形的一个最小角是45度,三个角的度数不相等,()三角形.顿角直角还是锐角 在三角形ABC中,如果角A是不等于60°的锐角,点D、E分别在AB、AC上,且角DCB等于角EBC等于1\2角A,探究:满足上述条件的图形中是否存在等边四边形,并证明你的结论.证明过程要写出来. 在三角形ABC中A、B为锐角,角ABC所对的边分别为abc,且sinA=根号5/5,sinB=根号10/10,A+B=45度a-b=(根号2) -1,求a、b、c的值 英语翻译北京市通州区马驹桥镇联东U谷工业园公寓楼1号2单元405, 英语翻译我的地址是:云南省马关县情报站三楼,填写英文地址该怎么写?intelligence station of the third floor Maguan County of Yunnan我用google翻译了一下写成这样可以么?QingBaoZhan third floor,用大写表示 英语虚拟语气用法(要全的,有例题) 英语虚拟语气的用法但谓语动词为instruct 等时,从句的虚拟语气的动词形式和主句的事态无关么?如:Our teacher instructed that we hand in our papers after class从句动词为何不是过去完成式呢?主句为过去 英语虚拟语气用法.—It was the drug,not the disease,that killed the boy.—He would be still alive today if he ________ that drug.A.not take B.shouldn’t have takenC.didn’t take D.hadn’t taken...正确答案不是C......汗.请问cakes, 写出一个命题如果一个三角形是直角三角形,那么他的两个锐角的角平分线所夹的锐角是45度的并证明这个命题是真命题急,. 有两个角是锐角的三角形一定是锐角三角形 锐角三角形,钝角三角形,直角三角形各有几条高 直角三角形,锐角三角形,钝角三角形的外心在哪里? 英语翻译如果我们当时准备充分的话,我们就可能成功了 英语翻译请用虚拟语气. 在……的第二天 英语怎么说谢谢了,在……的第二天 英语怎么说 出师表英语怎么说拜托各位大神