
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 15:57:25
read and choose 意思 Read and circle the different one是什么意思 我国裸子植物有一个____美称 l brush my teeth,wash my face and comb my hair的中文 求翻译When I miss my love,I watch the road,Carefully comb my hair straight. 英语连词成句:1.I,on,my,hair,Tuesday,comb 2.he,face,bathroom,the,washes,his,in I brush my teeth and comb my hair.这句话有误吗? I ain't gonna comb my hair ,'Cause I ain't going anywhere .翻译 I have your word on give me your word 和 promise有什么不一样不都是保证的意思吗?运用语境有什么不同? -I do not know this word(单词).please give me your __. 氮肥,磷肥,钾肥各有什么用,三者都有促进植物生长的作用,该怎么区别三个促进三者都有促进植物生长的作用,该怎么区别三个促进 被誉为“裸子植物的家乡”的是 课文主要讲了一件什么事? 桥这篇课文讲了一件什么事要抓住主要内容不要讲过了的,我都查了 The word "hour" has _____"h"_____"u" and _____"r" in it.A.an,an,a B.a,an,an C.an,a,an D.a,an,a哪个是真的 她是什么成语 What one word has the most letters in it? 她 这成语叫什么来着? A word has only three syllables,but it has all the twenty-six in it.The word is"____"A:family B:pencil-box C:alphabet D:book 成语 di tou she jie A word has all the twenty-six letters in it. What is this word? ____ China has successfully lauched its Shengzhou VI with two astronauts in it has shouked the wordA.What B.As C.It D.That这个题选A,为什么不能选D啊?选A的话As做什么成分?打错了,这题选B 下列各种物质①O2和O3②H2、D2、T2③12C和14C④CH3CH2CH2CH3和(CH3)2CHCH3⑤乙烷和丁烷⑥冰和水互为同分异 某工厂甲车间的人数比乙车间人数的五分之四少30人,两个车间共有420人.甲乙两个车间各有多 C(CH3)4的二氯代物为什么有两种啊?..C(CH3)4的二氯代物为什么有两种?. 赞美蜡烛的作文 chinese中ch的音标 excited的音标是什么 chinese的音标 bigger的音标是什么? 下列属于裸子植物得是?1.柳.白菜 2.松.柏 3.银杏.香樟 4.白玉兰.月季