
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 05:02:47
反义疑问句 she says he has read the book,……?后面的疑问是doesn’t she 还是hasn't he?还有具体解释就更好啦~ 把下列句子变成一般将来时态:1、I've read this book.2、She's speaking to him now.3、He has been to3、He has been to the United States.4、They watched television.5、Jimmy has a lot of monkey. Things are getting better and better every day.翻译. 英语翻译1、--Can you help me to take this bag?--That's a piece of cake ,I can do it .2、Two heads are better than one.3、He's the black sheep of his class.4、Mei Ling is a lovely girl in the family.They all love her.She is the apple of their 玛丽正在给她的朋友写一封电子邮件 写一篇英语电子邮件,向朋友介绍自己的 读《爱莲说》与《陋室铭》有感读了这两篇之后的感想啊~ 《做一个有修养的人》(读《陋室铭》、《爱莲说》有感)注意:是作文,不是一句话. 读桃花源记、爱莲说、陋室铭 心得 600字 超急!快读桃花源记、爱莲说、陋室铭 心得 600字没时间了心得!心得!心得aaaa! 求国际奥委会主席罗格在2012年30届伦敦奥运会闭幕式上的发言稿 英文的 关于发现父亲优点的作文快 作文《爸爸的脾气》好些点 急需一篇描写父亲的性格作文! 守护者的英文缩写怎么写啊要英文缩写 至少要5个英文单词的那种 不是SHZ那种 am really painfu ,But lI really miss you . I really miss you! 给定向越野下一个完整定义 陋室铭、爱莲说的读后感(与现实相联系) 《陋室铭》和《爱莲说》你更欣赏哪一篇?发表你的感想. The deep night ,the miss to you No matter the distance,I want you to know that deep down inside of me you are my fire,the one desire. 囍哈宅男 i miss you 哪里可以下载? 求 past | past perfect | present perfact 的分别RT 6道定语从句的选择题,1.In the dark street,there wasn't a single person_____ she could turn foe help.A.to whom B.of whom C.from whom D.that2.The tow things____they felt very proud were Jim's gold watch and Della's hairA.about which B.of which 1.There is no ____ on Mars,____ is known to all.A.life...it B.lives...which C.lives.as D.life...as2.It was an exciting movement for these football fans this year,___for the first time in years their team won the world cup.A.that B.while C.which D.whe 想提高英语阅读水平,需要订一套什么英语杂志呢?还有,如果读英语小说,有什么还推荐的?最好设计社会的各个方面的 ……怎么了的英文单词是什么? he has lost his book 先改成疑问句 再作回答! He has lost his book.先改成一般疑问句,在做肯定回答. he lost his book 和he have lose his book具体区别是什么 “过着舒适的生活”英语怎么说 形容冒着生命危险 这句说是哪个词语的意思?