
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:25:07
Buses and cars are moving up and down the street.的翻译. 有个英语演讲,主题是中美holiday的比较, Nobody could have failed to notice the fact thatenvironment have become a grave problem with which modern citizens areconfronted.With the development of industry andagriculture,cars give off poisonous gas.Trees on the hills have been cutdown,and wast The shop is _five hundred meters_from here.对短线部分提问 玩电脑游戏的好处(英文)其实是一个辩论题(拜托了各位哥哥姐姐!)正方:High school shudenhs can play computer games反方:High school students can not play computer games It's about two hundred meters from here. --------------------------------- ___ ___ is it from here?It's about two hundred meters from here.(对划线部分提问) --------------------------------- ___ ___ is it from here? 深圳的历史,发展前景如何同上 There are a lot of cars and buses in the street.请帮我分析下句子成分, A lot of cars pass through the street every day 尤其是 pass through 怎么不用 pass across He said he would come to see us ------ the next afternoon.选择some time/ sometime/ sometimes拜托� He said he would come to see us ()the next afternoon. 谁知道2006年至2010年人民币的国际化大概进程,一定要这个时间段的答得好我再追加50分 闭月羞花、沉鱼落雁分别指谁? 沉鱼落雁闭月羞花分别指的是谁吧 沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花分别指谁?请问她们分别是指谁,都是怎样的情况.比如沉鱼指谁,具体背景和原因、事件是什么.这样回答. 心中有大树了 什么意思 心中的大树埋下一片树叶,固执地相信它终会长成一棵参天大树,这便是儿时最美丽的梦.我4岁那年的秋天,枯黄的叶子从高高的树枝上飘落,正在院中玩耍的我俯身觉得很美.我忽发了一个奇怪的 求10篇近期的英语新闻谁能帮我写几篇近期的重大新闻...用英文哦..简单的报道下 树木为什么长年轮 at a quarter to six 注重于quarter的意思 a quarter to six It took her half an hour to get there(改同义句) She ( )half an hour ( )there 括号里填什么? 大树像什么 中国就像棵大树 she would come in to England next year.请问这是"一般过去将来时"的简单句吗? 英语翻译 lily said that she (go)___to england the next month空里该填什么?为什么? 用c,a,i,三个字母为单词的开头,写句爱情短语. 100分!求一个包含有S,G,S这三个字母开头的单词组成的短语!如题,短语大概的意思需要包含有(团结,奋进,拼搏,友爱,兄弟,共患难 等等) 最好简短一点 是用来做一个标题的 It took me an hour to walk there yesterday(改为同义句) 沉鱼落雁 闭月羞花各是指的是谁 闭月羞花、沉鱼落雁是指谁?