
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:34:18
a few more和a little more 的区别在什么情况下用a little more和a few more ,及他们的用法a little more 中的a little是用来修是more的还是修饰后面加的名词? 英语翻译一个朋友的一篇日志, To hold you in my 如题 用too,very和enough填空,感激不尽!1.It was cold___ to wear a fur coat.2.The book was___ easy for her.3.It's right ___ for reading.4.We have ___ books for everyone.5.He's ___ gald you like his gift.6.The desk is ___ heavy for me to carry.7.A:Are our teacher(like )melons?Yes.like 怎么填 卡哇伊,是形容什么的, China is a great country with 5,000 years of history.There are many places of interest __1__ attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year.为什么填which 怎么形容脚好看 ''You can lead a horse to water,but you can't make him drink''的汉语意思是什么? The love of God is like an ocean,you can see from where it comes这句话中为什么是from where,不是where,这个from起什么作用,我这个from看不懂, where,a,person,comes,from?求它汉语译文 My father ___ that last April Fool's Day.这个that是干什么的? 如何形容一个男人的美丽?最好是文段,越华丽越好,词语和诗句也要一些,越多越好.我是描写现代的人,麻烦不要再讲一些古代了的,是现代美男。 男人能用美丽形容吗?等待ING 男生 可以用漂亮 形容一个男生可以用漂亮吗? more options是什么意思 please login first 我英语一点也不懂 一篇描述玉米栽培过程的英语小短文,提示词:first,put,the soil,then,seed,water,see the sprout,in the sun,plant,several weeks 请高人指点英语“Hold a water i'm used to live in the country now 找出错误一项并改正 The old man used to live a hard life,______?补全反意附加句. 1).The old man who used to live in Shanghai finds the city_____.A.completely changing B.completely changed C.having been completely changed D.having completely changed 2).From the dates___on the gold coin,we decided that it was made 500 years ago.A.m 英语翻译翻译成中文 怎么形容这个发型呢~ I think the country is a good place for the old man to ___ .用live in 为何不用 liveZoos are terrible places for animals to live.I have never seen a zoo that was suitable for animals to live in.这是课文给的2个句子.对于上题如何进 看一下这个是什么发型,或者形容一下这个发型的样子. The history of April Fool's Day or All Fool's Day is uncertain,but the current thinking is that it 自悲的英文翻译是什么?多谢啦 tight with you能用的空间链接 有没有tight with you的空间背景音乐的链接 read more and speak