
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:56:32
各位绅士和淑女们,这有一道题,是否会分析该怎样做?1-3+5-7+9-11+…-1999+2001 请问是用the teacher asked me who I have surfed the internet with还是the teacher asked me who I surfed the internet with 各位绅士和淑女们,这有一个问题,是否会做?一批零件,甲单独作8天完成,乙独做10天完成,现在有两人合作这批零件,中途甲因有事请假一天,完成这批零件共用多少天?(请分析解答,否则不选最佳 各位绅士和淑女们,这有一道题,请迎接挑战吧!如图将OA等分成4份,以O为圆心画出四个扇形,以致最小的扇形面积是20平方厘米,求阴影部分的面积.(请分析讲解,否则不选最佳答案!) Can't get away and go back Can't Go Back Now 中文意思这个是一首歌的名字,最好有这首歌的中文翻译.Yesterday,when you were young,everything you needed done was done for you.Now you do it on your ownbut you find you're all alone,what can you do?You and me wa 意大利语:il怎么发?跟英语ill一样吗? 请教意大利语:关于il,i,gliil中l怎么发音?我发gli,感觉和i差不多,怎么发区分开?还有个句子: Il calcio è lo sport che preferisco! 其中che是什么词啊?谢啦~~~~ adopt adapt 什么区别,我就常混 我们以绅士淑女的形象为绅士淑女服务是某酒店的座右铭,请谈谈你对服务的理解 主要是酒店方面的服务 董事长英文是Chairman of the Board.如果要缩写做办公门牌,是怎么缩?CoB?C.o. The company is now in the c of the son of former boss.He is the board chairman.可填开头字母为c的什么词? 麻烦意大利语达人帮忙翻译下这句话 sotto il prossimo Tom_____(go) to Beijing.He _____(be) back in three days. Remember I told youlast time、 I dreamed of you、you say you want to know whatI dream、 I didn&a...Remember I told youlast time、 I dreamed of you、you say you want to know whatI dream、 I didn't tellyouknow what I dream?Idreamed of you an The boy could____himself when he was only five,and he liked____ciowns tomake his parents laughA.put on,dressing up inB.wear,dress up asC.dress,dressing up asD.dress up,dress up inMay I____a trip with you this summer?A.make B.take C.go on D.All the ab 跪求想象力丰富的网友帮我构思一篇童话,事情是这样的,过两天是我女朋友生日,我折了360只彩色千纸鹤外加5只稍大的白色千纸鹤,然后,想在里面写一个童话故事,给她惊喜加惊喜. H元素有可变价吗? 有关发明创造的故事看见看见看见很健康和机会机会机会哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 stand to attention与stand at attention 的区别 The boy is only (三个月大). the monkey was very afraid and he and his car fell into the lake.的中文意思 he is standing to attention as I walked from the house.中stand to attention stand to +n. Tom __while he was playing basketballA hurt B was hurting C got hurt D had been hurt解释一下原因和不选别的的原因 CO可以溶于水吗?可以和水发生反应吗?如果可以生成什么呢? Whatever you love and trust in this world loves you in return.Whatever you love and trust in this world loves you in return. The teacher asked the children to write _____ other line.A every B one C each D.that1.请问选择哪个?为什么?2 这句话的意思是什么? adapt to后面加什么 We often give better advice than we are willing to take our selves翻译 汉语意思最多的英语单词 very easy!初学照相的同学往往很好奇.有位同学拍了几张照片后,感觉心里没底,想打开照相机的后盖瞧一瞧.幸亏有人在一旁立即阻拦,否则,如果真的打开了,他不但什么也看不到,而且整个胶卷也 Two students came to see me yesterday.I gave a book to ___.A.every one B.every one of them C.every D.each