
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 21:36:09
如题,求bec高级真题第3辑听力mp3,以及经科版bec高级课本听力(全面的)mp3.另有分加!问题是课本里exam practice部分和unit5a的听力怎么都找不到哦... prototype是什么 英语翻译Firms can attract enough customers for 70 percent of their cars every month.请分析句子结构,并翻译.重点说一下for 70 percent 中for的用法.第一次见到. 英语翻译“Earthquake!” The word flashed in my brain.A roaring sound filled my ears.I tried to slidebeneath my desk.The desk did a wild tap dance,slipping and sliding towards the center of the room.I twisted my body and grabbed at the windowsil must have stolen 和must be stolen的区别?另外:一句话中又有情态动词,又是进行时,情态动词后的动词还要原型吗? 1.My father d_____ living in the city.2.A week later,they a____ their books with each other.3.第一次去那儿的时候我就喜欢上了那家图书馆.(fall in love)____________________________________4他的英语拼写有些困难.(have tro 机械行业的prototype是什么意思原型是指刚设计出来的产品吗? 英语翻译MissionTo Connect people to their passions,their communitys,and the world's knowledgeStrategyTo create unique and differentiated user experiences and consumer insights by leveraging connections,date,and user participationStrategic Objs1,E it must/could/might/may/can't be 求救啊 明天老师让我去讲台上猜人!蒙着我的眼,然后上来同学让我猜我应该怎么用上面的句子说啊 就是同学上来了 我先说什么?然后我摸到他的头发 眼睛 胖瘦应该 29.___ it be Li Ping who broke the glass?No.It __ be Wang Hai whodid it.分析为什么选D而不选B.30.When the old man was alive,he__ sit for hours at the door.为什么选A而不选C.32.I have decided to take the job and I ___ change my mind.A.mu ________ it be Li Ping who broke the glass?A Cou________ it be Li Ping who broke the glass?A Could ; may B Can; canC May; must D Can; must这道题答案为什么选D,而不选C,请分析一下, I wont let eveing set me down now that you are arourd me .翻译么 jQuery.prototype是什么意思本人刚学Jquery,没接触过prototype,为什么 jQuery中会包含prototype,prototype不是另一个JS库吗. Journey的歌词的意思? 居委会和村委会是一样的吗?现在住的地方是一个村子,可是有1个村委会和1个居委会,这2个词是一样的概念吗?不是的话他们有什么分别呢? Don't go to __ places where there is no fresh air. I have set down everything that happened 汉语意思 More and more young people are discovering the career benefits of a gap year.“a gap year”的意思 Local people helped them grow food.In 1621 they had a good harvest.People celebrated by eating delicious food ,singing and dancing. What are their jobs?These wormen are____A wives B housewife C housewives 选什么.为什么? The gap's being closed easily enables people to enjoy...1.这句话对吗?2.'s 是is的意思,还是“的”的意思.3.closed后面可以加that或to吗?如果不可以请解释下原因好吗?谢谢 B.And_____they?A.__________my grandparents. What a fuck! 我想给皇马用英文或西班牙文写一封信,有谁可以帮忙?我想给皇马用英文或西班牙文写一封信,大概内容是"我祝愿他们所有的成员新年快乐.以及我对他们由来已久的崇拜,大概十三岁.希望他们 想给皇马用英文或西班牙文写一封信, ——Hasn't your son graduated from college?——___.To find a suitable job isn't easy nowdays.——Hasn't your son graduated from college?——___.To find a suitable job isn't easy nowdays.A.No,get down to it.B.No,you hit the point.C.Yes,face up Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale.在这句话中,out 和in 用在一起, ..uncle martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale.把它变成同义句put...out句型的同义句变换. Tom things out put the some old in yard怎么组成一个句子? 动词前面+a开头的单词问题.读了几年西班牙语.发现好多的单词都由a开头的比如 :cercar 和 acercar 谁能告诉我一般在动词的前面+个a 有什么作用还有好多的单词前面也有des开头的比如:conocer 西班牙语有没有以【N~】为首字母的单词?就是【N】上面带一个【~】波浪号的字母!这个字母在这里显示不出,是一个乱码. a camping site用汉语怎么说