
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 15:29:21
He has been preparing for his wedding.请说明是什么时态. hill是不可数名词吗 圆形节育环有绳子吗,还是就一个圆环.急, A是一座金字塔,C是未满的月牙儿,D是一把竖琴,0是__________,S是 _____________请大家充分发挥想像`~~`` “A”是一座金字塔,“O”是_________,“S”是____________,"D"是一把竖琴. 英语翻译 镀锌板材料通风管,出现块状白色锌层被氧化,是前一段武汉下雨地下室淹水潮气原因;还是质量问题? I have loved for 5 years,nan ping.and simple and loved people翻译一下. we have add years to life ,not life to years .这么翻译急! 森林晚霞用英语怎么说只要这个词组 介副词填空(英语~)1.i haven't seen him______ages2.he often goes to school ___his father's car3.please hand the hammer____me4.we cannot live_____air or water5.she looks sad.what has happend____her?6.when i was having a walk,i was caught___th 用介、副词填空he got on the bus ( )last.don’t behave( )that.can you say it( )English?you can do it( )the same way as I do. 介、副词填空. 几道英语介副词填空,答案正确的话会悬赏积分的!1.None of the books and magazines can be taken ____ from the reading room.2.We felt it difficult to carry _____the conversation with so much noise around us.3.It was dark.We decide to p 英语介副词填空 1.The hotel provides a shoe cleaning service ()guests.2.The little boy has developed a habit of putting his toys ()every night before going to sleep.3.Mr.Smith is not available today; he is ()leave.4.Snow run-off acc 柳絮是怎么形成的 发挥想象,补充句子.“A”是一座金字塔,“C”是什么,“D"是一把竖琴,“O"是什么,“S"是什么. 柳絮是怎样形成的 I would trade height for skill and determination any day. 怎么翻译 【例A是一座金字塔】d是什么 急 英语翻译There was never any question in my mind that i would go to a college.请问that之前的部分的翻译,是不是“我脑中从来都没有过这么多问题"?谢谢英语达人们! A是一座金字塔,············A是一座金字塔,C是未满的月牙,D是一把竖琴,O是【】S是【】 A是金字塔,D是什么,O是什么,Z是什么 marshall音箱的优势是什么?marshall的失真是不是要比别的音箱强很多呢?我用的是black star的音箱,也是电子管,和marshall相比的话,怎么样?我想模仿英格威的音色,别人告诉我如何如何使用效果器,但 That day he____his clothes before he came to see me.中间那个空咋填? 求翻译!I will speak against anything I know to be wrong谢谢啊 ANSON是什么意思 名字ANSON有什么特殊含义吗? 英语翻译那这个人的名字怎么翻译呀? “忏悔”一词怎么解释啊?法律上常说到“忏悔”,佛教中也常说为自己的罪孽“忏悔”,可怎么做才是真的“忏悔”了呢?在思想上和行为上怎么做才是真的“忏悔”呢?我想再重点说明我的问 喜欢口味清淡的食物的地道说法喜欢吃甜食有have a sweet tooth这样的说法,那么喜欢清淡口味的食物要怎么样说才地道呢? 韩国CUBE或者JYP每年几月份举办选秀阿?或者几年一次!如何报名本人是朝鲜族,今年18岁.打算2年后去JYP或者CUBE 参加选秀.