
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:40:54
英语翻译mismatches.2223CDS systems associated with CPOE typically have attempted to use drug–drug interactions,or more recently drug–laboratory interactions,to reduce medication errors.The drug–problem list alerts described here attempt to 英语改错选择---急帮我选正确的,然后写出原因及知识点 谢谢了.....1.Please excuse(me,my)being so late 2.the smith are considering(to move,moving)to New York3.I wish I(have been ,were)as handsome as you are.辛 英语选择和改错请教高手1.We shall appreciate it very much if you will give us indication ____ you think you could conclude business.A.to which B.at which C.in that D.on that选哪一个 为什么?2.We trust that you will certainly give spec 英语选择 改错 填空用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空1·is this that factory()this car is produced?she is kind towards the children ,()her husband seldom was选择1·human beings are different from animals in ()they can make toolsA. 水平面上叠放着A和B两个物体【mA=m1,mB=m2】,地面光滑,分别以大小为F的力拉动A,B,物体间动摩擦因数为μ,分别求AB摩擦力顺便说下……不好意思……就是AB以相同的加速度运动……没这个条件真 请人帮忙翻译成英文~“很多事实证明了我就是可怜的娃”这句话~\(≧▽≦)/~ 中文地址英文格式?亲戚从国外寄信回来,不知道英文地址怎么写,我也不敢确认,在这里请教了,邮:中国江苏省南通市海安县李堡镇李西村18组15号 李磊收.急死了,求教! 英文译中文, 连词成句,谢谢~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦!1onto ,mustn't,bus,passengers,their the peys take2this ,work,may,in,you,company,not 你想要什么尺码的鞋子 翻译 2道英语改错题~下列句子中各有一处错误,请把他们找出并改正1、How often do you ill?--- often.2、Lucy was never away to school last term. 2道英语改错题(急!)The measures A(taken) to deal with the B(spreading) of the disease turned out much less C(effectiveness) than previously D(expected).The old lady A(is proud of) her two B(daughters-in-law) who have accomplished C(lot) D(respe 2道英语改错题 What's the need of those singers?Can you obey my advice 1.I have caught a bad cold for a week and I can't get rid of it.2.We got on the bus and which took us straight to the park. 2道初3英语改错题1 Have you ever tired to give a speech in front of many people?2 I don't believe you can get some good advice from him 有质量=10KG的小球挂在倾角为37度的光滑斜面的固定铁杆上,当斜面和小球以g/2的加速度向右匀加速运动时,小当斜面和小球都以√3g的加速度向右匀加速运动时,小球对绳的拉力和对斜面的压力 一水平的浅色长传送带上放置一煤块,煤块与传送带之间的动摩擦因数为μ,初始时,传送带与煤块都是静止的.现让传送带以恒定的加速度a开始运动,当其速度达到v后,便以此速度做匀速运动.经 1.This museum is quite old.It is better to have it___(build)答案是rebuilt我填built2.The____(enter)was blocked,Tom had to stayed in the hole.答案是entrance改错3.We study quite a few subjuct,such as maths,Chinese,English and so on.答案是 英语改错和填空题 1.The Great Wall is one of the great____(create)of the ancient Chinese people.答案是creations 为什么呢?改错2.The man along with his sons always catch the largest fish.答案是将catch改为catches 为什么呢?3.I a 改错1.If it will be fine tomorrow,we will spend our holiday at the beach.将will be改为is2.This kind of custom originated by China.将by改为from3.General speaking,the weather here is neiher hot nor cold.将General改为Generally4.Christmas is a 两个英语改错题,请大家帮忙解答,1.Edison'father asked him why he wanted a science lab for.2.In a few wears time,computers will be widely used in China.这里是两个改错题,就帮我把错误找出来,再改正就可以了,谢谢哈, 水平桌面上放有一个质量为10KG的物体,它和桌面的动摩擦因数为0.2,问至少要在水平方向上加多大拉力,才能使物体在水平面上做迅速直线运动? 有哪些尺码?英文翻译 22.轻质硬杆AB长75cm.用长短不同的线把边长为10cm的立方体甲和体积是1dm3的球乙分别拴在杆的AB两端.在距A点30cm处的O点支起AB时,甲静止在桌面上,乙悬空,杆AB处于水平平衡.将乙浸没在水中后, 1.10kW.h的电能可供“220V 40W”的灯泡正常工作——h,一只标有“220V 800W”的电饭煲连续工作0.5h,消耗的电能为——J2.学习了电功知识后,肖明知道了电能表是测量电工的仪表,因此就像利用电能表 鱼,虾螃蟹,鸡的英语翻译 在日常生活中,为了提高烹煮食物的温度,缩短烹煮的时间,人们利用水的沸点随气压的升高而升高的性质制造了高压锅.某种规格的高压锅出气口的直径为3.2mm,计算它的面积为8mm2,要使锅内气压 生活中我们所吃的鱼类 虾类 蟹类的英文翻译是什么啊? 海洋占地球表面的71%,它接受来自太阳的辐射比陆地上要大得多,根据联合国教科文组织提供的资料,全世界海洋能的可再生量,从理论上说近8×10^10kW,其中潮汐能含量巨大,海洋潮汐是由于月球 英语选择求解释floods and bad farming over the years have ruined a land that ______rich and made it terriblyA,was once B,had once been C,have once beenwhat do you think of the moviegood,the only pity is that I ________ the beginning of itA,have 英语选择...Could you tell meA where there's a drugstoreB when they would leave tomorrowC whether is it fine tomorrowD where is a bus stop 一道英语选择求解释The film Curse of the Golden Flower was made___on Cao Yu’s play Thunderstorm.A.base B.to be based C.based D.basing我知道这里考be based on但是我选b 我想 make 被动的话不是要加to吗?make do变成被动不