
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:03:35
生活中有哪些地方运用了永久磁铁?要快!急! ___ ___(有 )an egg on the table.是填There comment 当名词“评价”时为可数还是不可数 I was going to just now..but I\'m talking to you. 1.I am going to run tomorrow (tomorrow提问)..2.She has a hair cut just now.1.I am going to run tomorrow (tomorrow提问).--- --- --- --- do tomorrow.2.She has a hair cut just now.(改凝问句)--- she --- a hair cut just now.Yes,she --- . traditional Chineses festival的中文 众猴拖男挈女,换弟呼兄,一齐跑来,瞬涧爬山,直至源流之处,乃是一股瀑布飞泉. 喊一声,都拖男挈女,唤弟呼兄,一齐跑来的挈是什么意思为何不快速回答呢?你若快速回答,怎么?(⊙_⊙)?(⊙o⊙)? relax的 第三人称单数是怎么样的? angel...is the happiest thing in life Besides being your guardian angel would i have double the happiness if i met two guardian angels?Besides being your guardian angel I would like to spend the rest of my life with you you're very important relax的第三人称单数是什么急啊会的朋友快一点可不可以,顺便告诉我一下,单词的第三年人称单数形式怎么变 请帮我翻译:The life should consume on the happiest thing. 大学英语情景对话 A always does online shopping and clarifies to B the advantages of shopping online.1.A always does online shopping and clarifies to B the advantages of shopping online.B prefers to go to shops.2.A tells B that he/she saw a st inheritance 和heredity区别 谢谢啦~~ heritage和legacy都是"遗产",有何区别? heritage的中文 动物短语英语ugiy duckling has grown into a swan 安宁什么意思? 怎么填这些单词呀?heavier stronger thinner fatter Miss Pig_________than Mr Dack.Miss Pig_________than Mr Dack.Miss Pig_________than Mr Dack.Miss Duck ____________than Miss Pig 这些单词怎么填 inheritage 和 legacy用法含义的区别..别给我拉字典解释,就是看不懂才来问的... 革字什么加部首怎么成组词 签换个偏旁能成组什么词 鬼步舞怎么才能把奔跑和侧滑连在一起 跳鬼步舞 侧滑应注意哪些? 一种金属 不生锈 基本没什么弹性 强磁不吸比普通铁硬 耐磨 白色 有知道是什么的吗 打电话的英文是什么,都有些不一样,是make打头的后面好像是phone在后面好像是calls问一下对不对啊译典通啊 others send short messages to()wishes by mobile phones.A.take B.give C.carry D.win Heritage是指文化的遗产吗? Writing all messages for us when I'm old.什么意思Writing all messages for us when I'm old. I hope you still around me! 这是什么意思啊?帮忙解答 谢谢 rug的同类词 mine的同类词 smell的同类词(都要两个) mine的对应词