
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 07:20:18
夏朝的代表性青铜器 夏朝的青铜器有哪些 我国发现的最早的青铜器是夏朝的《》 to make sure that sb or sth is not harmed是指哪个单词 夏朝时期,我国出现青铜器,商朝是我国青铜文化的灿烂时期 这话错在哪里? something that is made of some moving part是什么单词 m开头的 在从句的引导词中是不是只有what可以=something that can make something new是哪个单词Human beings are (can make something new)animals是这个按照英文释意谢单词 I can’t stand-------- with Jane in the same office.I can’t stand------- with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ----------talking while she works. A. working; stopping B. to work; stoppingC. working to stop Dto work to stop 4.Jane sat at the table with the gold watch chain in her hand ,___ to meet her husband .A.eager B.was eager C.to be eager D.being eager5.Scientists are concentrating on antiviral drugs already in drugstores ,__ something that will quickly help people 谁能列举英语歌曲中的错误语法? I'm waiting for that final moment.I feel fine and I feel good,I just don't know what to say.中文解 有语法的英文歌曲. 帮忙推荐几首语法正确的英文歌曲希望有上口、悦耳一点的.最好注明歌手.谢拉. i understand how you feel,but you don't know what it's like to be in good shape. 关于英文歌曲的一些语法问题(悬赏5分)Katy Perry的《i kissed a girl 》歌词中的“i hope my boyfriend don't mind it”以及Lady GaGa的《Paparazzi》歌词中的“But this photo of us,it don't have a price ”都是有语法 if you know what's good for 原句子是:Purple Stuphif you know what's good for ya 英文歌曲的歌词有没有语法?听了几首歌,感觉歌词有很多不太符合语法!所以不知道英文歌曲中歌词是否也有语法的要求? make 后面可以直接加形容词吗?(中间不带sb./sth.之类的宾语)谢谢!最近读到一句英文:Anything one man can imagine,other men can make real.为什么用“make real”不用“make it real”? 有一电阻为20Ω的电灯,在正常工作时它两端的电压为9V.但是我们手边现有的电源电压是12V,要把电灯接在这个电源上,需要给它串联一个多大的电阻? 根据上下文补全对话A:1.———————?B:I have got a headache.A:2——————?B:I'm feeling badly ill.A:Let me see..Oh,it's a just cold.3._____.B:Really?But I don't feel any better now.A:4.______?B :No,I didn't want to 如果R1和R2并联后在与R3并联电阻怎么算是不是先算R1并R2的R,在算R3并R的?那如果是R2并上R3之后在并上R1呢,和不和上面的等效? He went to bed ____and when he woke up,he found he still had his shoes on A drinking B to drinkC drink Dbeing drunk 为什么选C david found )animals on the hill when he went to fiy kites. Do you know what look good on you怎么翻译 on National day,there are many people in shaoxing()vacationA.in B.at C.of D.for There __in the national contestA.is some beauty B.are some beauties C.are some beauty D.is much beauty求详解 give out the team awards是什么意思 找错:She has a pair of beautiful big eyes on her face. yu 汩怎么组词 英语根据上下文完成对话,hello hello T__________is tim.may it ___________to sue please?ok,l'II g_______her.H________on,piease.Hello,this is sue s_________sue,this is tim I'M g______ to v_________ you this saturday.great!what are you d______n 用说(yuè)组词