
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:01:40
we often play baseball after school.句型转换否定,疑问句,肯定,否定回答. We play baseball.改为否定句 什么叫不及物动词?怎样才知道呢? jobs不是姓吗?为什么大家叫他的姓而不叫的名steve...? 七年级英语作文“let's help animals”50词左右,词汇要在七年级范围,还有的要求在七年级英语作文“let's help animals”50词左右,词汇要在七年级范围,还有的要求在图片里 史蒂夫乔布斯 最后的访谈 STEVE JOBS THE LOST INTERVIEW怎么样 THE BASKET WAS FILL WITH A LOT OF EGGS的was fill with的同义句是什么?是was full of还是was fulled of 听了“抗震救灾”英雄事迹报告后,使我的心久久不能平静.怎样改病句? 望着她那高大的背影和精神,我的心久久不能平静改病句 we are going to help them______(收割稻子)帮我做 French fries are ( ) ( )(对.有害) us,so we would better ( ) ( ) ( )(远离)them 急求一篇五四演讲稿(最好是东拼西凑的文章,而且格式要正确)东拼西凑就是指几篇文章的部分组成的... 赞美鲁迅对五四运动的短文(200字) 简述五四散文发达的原因是什么?(200字的简述) -Where are my _______?-They ________ on the bookcase yesterday morning He often heips her to learn English同义句转换另一种形式 tom is any other sutdent in his classtom is any other sutdent in his classa.the same bright as b.as a bright boy as c.so bright a boy as d.as bright a boy as谁能告诉偶为什么选哪个?还有一个 i won't go to the party invented.a.without b w 英语填空:现在我习惯于早饭前锻炼了.Now I ()()()()before breakfast. he reads english and chinese he has breakfast at seven的意思 you guess f翻译? 海阔凭鱼跃 天高任鸟飞 拜托大家用这句话帮我写一篇文章呗 急用 我打心底里感谢你 五六百字就行 who watched the cartoon last night 中文 Who's the ____ of the cartoon?A:Who's the ____ of the cartoon?B:Japanese cartoonist Fujiko Efu Fujio.A.writer B.painter Yao Ming is popular around the worldYao Ming is popular ___ ___ the world(同意句) also的同义短语 海阔任鱼跃,天高任鸟飞.后面还有吗?我曾经看到一句是这样写的有这一句吗? He watched the live football match on TV with the living gold fish swimming in the box.请翻译上面句子.单选题中的.考点是live和living的区别. 为什么European前用a,exciting前用an?发音不是相同的么? What cause global warming,can you list some factors?问答题 can you list some effective ways to find a job? ①jim did ______(bad)of the two boys ②_____(france) wine is well known all over the world③ ——(like) football,basketball is played with 5 members on each side 把Tomorrow is Wednesday变成一般疑问句