
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:34:43
《三峡之秋》抒发了作者怎样的感情?抒发了方纪怎么样的思想感情? “l often argue with my parents.(提适当的建议)”怎么做? if i argue with my parents以这个为英语作文饭店题目,70字, 英语翻译除alice之外,请提供几个,最好a,i是连在一起的, 英语or在什么情况下意思为或者 月亮的月拼音是什么 月儿拼音怎么读 月亮的拼音. Although some late,but I was very happy是什么句式?这个was是不是应该换成am 45.Which of the following sentences is WRONG?A.Although it was very late,Miss Liu didn’t sto45.Which of the following sentences is WRONG?A.Although it was very late,Miss Liu didn’t stop working.B.The plane has already taken off when we got to the 男生30人,比女生多二分之一,女生多少人?7 秋颂里代谢就是代谢,生死就是生死,悲欢就是悲欢表达了作者什么样的思想感情 匈奴是是现在的什么国家 匈奴民族现在建立的国家是? 匈奴是现在哪个国家啊?3Q He went into the cave although it was very dark.中含有哪种从句 秋颂 ① “也有某些人呢,具有这份秋之美”这份“秋之美”美在何处?② 有读者认为文中第10段应该紧跟在第七段后面,这样文章衔接更加紧密,你同意这种看法吗?为什么? It was very late , ___ the students still went on repairing their desks and In order not to be held ____in the traffic jam ,they went to Pudong Airport by train.填一个介词,up.我想问为什么, “室外的噪音”是 outside noise 还noise outside我查过字典,outside有形容词性,都是放在名词前面的.但根据语感,好像经常说noise outside.困惑ing 帮下计算吧~15乘以(-19分之189)+150 计算:如下面: 帮忙算一下 孩子眼里的世界公园里的一把长椅折了一条腿,歪在路旁.一位小姑娘看见后,几次试图将它扶正,都没能成功.最后,她从附近搬来几块砖头,将长椅支起,方才一蹦一跳高兴地离去.你想对这位小姑 数学题,来了必粉 来了必粉22 同比增长怎么算 There was a big noise in the garde .The man went out to see( )我认为选B.A.what ia happening B.what was happening C.what was happened D.what happens there was a garden ,there was a man,he was so lothere was a garden ,there was a man,he was so lonely ,but God had a plan,God had a plan.中文啥意思啊 把澳大利亚的繁荣如此紧密地与中国联系在一起 翻译英文(要书面点的) “以后多联系”的英语翻译中翻英 小豚鼠在哪买?