
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:38:21
逻辑中的谓语和谓词有什么不一样,谓词范围大还是谓语范围大 党提出过渡时期总路线实现的可能性 信封上网怎么说have 的完成时是什么?信封,上网怎么用英语说?HAVE的完成时是什么? 现在完成时的have什么时候用had?e.g:I had already do sth.这时候怎么用had? have和had在现在完成时中有什么区别 I have already had a crash 这句是现在完成时吗? who have lived long in confinement,The old woman's eyes vanished from the gratingthe air was balmythis beauty which inclines above与它的近义词,列举出来,注明详细的语法和意思,谢谢. get on的近义词?火速回答如题 谢谢了get on 的近义词是什么,速度,谢谢. looking straight into the eyes of the jailerThe old woman's eyes vanished from the gratingthe air was balmyhad come the day before looking straight into the eyes of the jailerto the grating from the other sideThough hundreds of thousandshad come the day before Are you tourisits?(改成单数句) Is your friend a tourist,too.(改成复数句) what 's the meaning of ' if you are not here to win ,you are a tourist !'?who can give me the implication meaning of this sentence? 3Q!~ turn This is the first time we ever did something like this.是什么种类的复合句 丹江口城市面积多少,是个怎样的城市 句子成份分析: he likes to drink cold milk. HE 主语 LIKES 谓语 TO DRINK 宾语 COLD MILK 宾补 这样对还有人说 to drink 是同位语 on foot 的近义词是什么 These are English students(改为单数) Twenty years later,the women could guess what the professor had in mind.He saw himself,perhaps,as inviting his students to start an exciting voyage into an unknowns world invisible(无形的)to the eye ,which can be discovered only through scientific Airport yoga lovers are directed to the room by the usual means-a picture,one that features a figure (seated )in a full lotus position.这里为什么用seated ,又不是被动? 开会通知怎么写某单位将于本月20日下午2点整在会议室召开全体职工大会,讨论单位年终工作事项以单位办公室名义写一个通知.谁会写的,请各位大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙.小弟在这里谢谢了. I was surfring the Internet ____ that the Chinese weightlifter Li Ping broke the world record.A.when suddenly came the good newsB.while the good news came suddenly C.when suddenly did the good news comeD.while suddenly came the good news为什么要 1.Mr Green often helps those students ____he thinks are not quick at their lessons.a.whom b.who c.when d.becausethose students 不是help的宾语吗?为什么不选a 2.The old man has two sons,____looks like him.a.all of them b.both of them c.each o 无产阶级具体指什么呢 无产阶级指的是那些人? 无产阶级的“无产”具体指什么?就是没有资产的阶层吗? 无产阶级有了自己强大的思想武器指什么理论 ‘师夷长技以制夷”的‘夷’的意思请你们告诉我这个笨蛋吧 英语翻译—种路由选择控制装置、具备存在信息管理数据库、用来对可发存在信息的用户通信终端的存在信息进行管理;路由器信息管理数据库、用来保持连接于可进行路由选择策略设定的 “顺其自然,为所当为” 中译英希望得到比较规范的翻译, 当女人说:既然已经这样啦就顺其自然吧吵架后我提出分手.过几日我很后悔,给他打电话、发短信.她回复说:不要再打电话发短信啦,既然已经这样就顺其自然吧,不要再说什么啦,说过的话不