
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:00:24
Son,once you put this picture back together,we can play catch,do not interrupt me again _until___ you finish.填 unless 为什麽? 英语翻译不知道这是哪国语言,是一个外国画家的画名,急用,Grand paysage aux arbres (Le cbamp triangulaire) le paradis 怎么读 accompanies怎么读啊·~谢le 法语这句怎么理解:Certes,le paysage séduit par sa pureté.字面理解好像风景被它的纯净吸引?真是难以理解,自己觉得应该是风景靠它的纯净来吸引(对象)吧?作者为什么要这么写? Every classroom in this modern school is __with a new TV set.选项 a.equipped b.installed c.fixed d.placed 1.I go to school (by bus) every day. 2.(There is a TV) in the classroom.对画线部分提问 好心人帮帮忙,明天交,在线等,好的给分 can not load library RoomIcon.我要进入联众世界时出现的提示, can not load library roomtcon. How___(luck)we are to study in this modern school.求详解 What can be written following this part?What can be written following this part?做英语短文时遇见这句话,它是短文下四个小问题中的一个, This could be a video that then solicits feedback from students我怎么翻译也觉得不通顺 I don't like to get early.Up.Of.At.这三个中I don't like to get early.Up.Of.At.这三个中是否是up C++语言中std::cout 她认为这个教育节目毫无意义 She ____ this______ program is ______.填空 i have many chocolates at home?这句话是对的吗?如果对 如果不对,错在哪里?1小时! "Roberta di Camerino. Jenny can't have left the office at four,or ________home by now.A she'll get B she has got C she will have got D she'd have got我想知道原因,怎么你们的答案不一样啊 ROBERTA DI CAMERINO 久光店怎么样 ROBERTA DI CAMERINO 金鹰店怎么样 把衣服放在通风的地方是利用什么来加快液体蒸发 湿衣服放在温度低的地方有可能比放在温度高的地方干的快么 环境监察大队是环境监理站还是环境执法队? 某同学根据湿衣服在阳光下干得快的事实,推测分子的运动与温度有关.对于这种关系做出你的假设----------设计实验方案证明你的假设,把内容填在下面.预测的实验现象 得出的结论-1-------------- 环境监察大队是环境监理站吗?还是环境执法队? 独一无二英文怎么写 hungry是什么意思 the coming weeking 前用介词吗?he coming weeking 前用介词吗?不用是为什么呢?on my last birthday 这样说为什么对呢?有LAST 不是不用介词吗?对不起,应该是the coming weekend,前面是没有介词的,有last,next这 walk down怎么用是什麽意思请详细解释一下 怎么用 You are not from Shang Hai?答句 You aren’t from Shang Hai对呢?还是You're not from Hai 遥感卫星到底是什么卫星?间/谍卫星? What about some jam OK.Please ( )that.A.less B .less than C.few D.fewer than