
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:23:50
请问:He drummed the table with his fingertips annoyed his boss.这句话对吗? 《谢谢花儿开了》《让阳光拐个弯》读后感1500字 主题 圆中国梦,从我做起 联系实际谈谈感受 求《阳光伙伴》观后感400字左右就OK The question is too difficult I __ (not understand) it The text is too difficult.All of us ________ understand it.A.needn't B.mustn't C.may D.can't Not only ________ difficult to understand,but it was too long. 已知A=2×3×a,B=2×a×7,A,B的最大公因数是6,那么a是多少?要过程! ! 谢谢了! (越快越具体易懂的加财富值!) 有没有人去到哪里,哪里就下雨? This is one of my favorite { } .whThis is one of my favorite { } .who is your favorite miusician,Bruce?A CDs BCDES C CD 我知道选A,可以说说为什么吗?必赞. this is one of my favorite pictures这句话别人的回答是:mine too.为什么不是me too?mine too This is (a notebook)(对画线部分提问)我用括号已经括起来了 英语翻译黄花古城路碧色忽惆怅瑶草何馨香 月儿用拼音怎么写 I believe that ---young have a promising future A.a B.an C.the D./ 找规律填空:4又1/2,9又1/3,16又2/5,25又3/7,(),() 在括号里填上表示动作的词语()花狗,()刺猬 胆战心惊的含义是什么 ,填空,1个十和6个一组成”() I guess they gave me this name hoping that I can have a bright future 其中hoping是做什么成分呢 沙漠是什么意思 戈壁的意思 All of us four feel it boring.中boring是补语还是状语 His ______ (angry) makes us feel frightened.这里应该填名词,可是angry怎么变化呢? 胆战心惊的战什么意思 英语翻译he Will of God will not take you where His grace will not cover you经典翻译是什么? youWho cares my broken heart, who understands 中文是什么 Do you see any pink in my eyes?是什么意思?不是直接翻译的(比如:Do you see any green in my eyes?是:“你以为我是好欺负的吗?”的意思) 因祸得福的英语解释用英语解释这个成语 英语翻译A rainy day always gives me the blue.翻译 有哪些名人因祸得福 万福玛丽亚 MARIA FULL OF GRACE怎么样 Full of grace ,mercy and prayer