
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:19:39
“except you and I”对还是“except you and me”对?为什么? 求一片英语文章.以:how has technology affected my life 为话题,120个单词以上, How has technology changed your life?不需要回答很多 几句话就行 请用英文回答 谢谢了 Do they often see it?Yes,week.填什么啊 用英语造句. teach me for my english还是把for变with we have two ears and only one mouth so we can listen more than we can speak的意思 God gave us two ears but only one mouth ,so we should listen __ we talk.God gave us two ears but only one mouth ,so we should listen __ we talk.A.as twice as much B.twice as much asC.as much as twice D.as twice much as we can't stop loving someone,we simply learn to live without them 幸好一切都不是爱情 什么意思? “原来,这都不是爱情”这句话是什么意思?男友失恋后说的一句话. 今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸晓风残月……这是谁的诗? That kind of the house costs too much .I can't a___ it.英语填词 进山看见树缠藤,出山看见藤缠树,树死缠藤缠到老,腾死缠树死都缠 藤缠树,树缠藤下句是什么 山中只有藤缠树,世上哪有树缠藤、青藤诺是不缠树,枉过一年又一年.找句相对应的句子要带点讽刺的味道. before ()(teach)to speak english by mr.wang ,i learned it by myself 填什么? I learn english by myself,and my twin sisters teach ____ japanese.them?\ themselves?请说明原因! I teach myself English on the Internet对画线部分提问,ON THE INTERNET画线 Do your parents like strawberries?No,____ like apples A.we B.he C.they D.she 有人骂某人:“树死 藤生 缠到死 藤死 树生 死也缠”她该怎样还击(最好是形成一个对,字数、词意相同为佳)?哎呀,很感谢大家啊.虽然有几个不错的,不过我想再等几天 只要词意对上就好 藤缠树英文翻译 cane'rattan哪个正确' 只有藤缠树,哪有树缠藤只有藤缠树,哪有树缠藤only a rattan wrapped around trees, where tree wrapped rattanOnly cane bound tree, which have tree wind cane 英语专四段落听写阅卷一般怎么给分?我一般每个句子都听得清楚写的明白还算工整,就是断句时候平均看来总会少写一个句子,即该断句的地方没有断句,外加某个或某几个单词拼写错,总分15分 关于英语句子中断句和标点.这是一道专四听写题,希望懂的帮我解惑一下.“First,we can take breathing exercises,such as yoga,and we can do some physical exercises to help reduce stress.”在这句中,exercise和such之间可 今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸,晓风残月.人称千古名句是因为____________ 雨霖铃的今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸,晓风残月,分析其好处 This is句型主要用于哪种场合,急,急,急 询问人物时可用Is this\()...Is she\()...的句型 michael‘s new house is like a huge palace ,_____(比较)with his old one.答案是compared.请问为什么不用v—ing形式或现在时态,是过去分词作定语么? (与……比较)_________ with my small apartment ,my grandfather's house looks like a huge palace. Comparing With our house,his..Comparing With our house,his.为什么不用Comparied? take与bring的用法,并各举一例快看看快看看快看看快看看快多用语言表达