
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 05:10:03
请问在昆明考英语的口译证有用还是商务英语有用?真心感谢 BEC应该怎样复习?BEC证书和口译那个对就业比较有用? 关于BEC商务英语和口译证,想自己多一点竞争力,我是学金融的想考虑下考个英语方面的证,这两种哪个更好些呢 ? 英语翻译 英语翻译 501宿舍 英语翻译 求助爱听英文歌的朋友第一句是'I open my eyes' BEC证书含金量高还是中高级口译证含金量高?上海哪里学比较好? 上海中高级口译和剑桥BEC商务英语中高级哪个含金量更高?顺便问一下,我四级605,六级544,能考高级吗? 剑桥商务英语证书含金量多高,是不是比上海英语中级口译还要难考 目前中国英语笔口译含金量最高的证书有哪些? 艾利斯的ABC理论:一个人要有价值就必须很有能力,并且在可能的条件下很有成就;如何理解?忘记说了,这是经常造成人的痛苦的思维,也就是说它是错的. 三角形abc中知道边之比如何知道角度之比 还有些 How long have you come here Hurry up!The play has begun for ten minutes 五湖四海分别指的是哪些地方? You are late.The play _____for ten minutes.A has begun B has started C began Dhas been on ( )I _____you to organize _____charity show next timeA hope ,another B wish,the other C hope ,others D wish ,another ”五湖四海皆兄弟”的”五湖”和”四海”分别指的是哪五湖,"五湖四海皆兄弟"的"五湖"和"四海"分别指的是哪五湖, 商务英语和金融学哪个好? Hurry up!The concert____for ten minutes.A.has begun B.has been on C.began C.was on 请附解析 请问:四方八极分别指什么? 英语四六级都过了,想在考个证,考托业还是bec好啊?本人的成绩有点惨,四级513,六级480,不打算考研,纯属为以后找工作考虑,考托业还是bec呢,要是考bec考几级合适啊?望知情人士不吝赐教,3q~六级 Has the play begun ___?--yes.It has ____ been on for fifty minutesa.yet,already b.already,already c.just,already d.yet,ever应该选哪个?为什么? Hurry up!The play ___ for ten minutes.选项见补充.A.has begunB.had begunC.had been onD.began为什么选C?为什么要用过去完成时? all passengers —— to show thier tickets next timeA.require B.is required C.are required D.are to require 求一首英文歌曲 开头歌词第一句是 “show me how to lie yer getting better all the time” 翻译,use your time to show and tell others how important and special they are 最后的they后为什么加are 《名人传》读后感600字左右 When I got to the cinema ,the film ( )for five minutesA had been onB has been on 39. When I ______ the cinema, the film _______for ten minutes A) got to; .has begun B) arrived at;has been on C) reached; had begun D) hurried to; had been on 为什么选D不选B The film __on for five minutes when I got to the cinemaA.has been B.had been C.was D.is The film had been on for ten minutes when i got to the cinema.当我到电影院的时候 电影已经开始十分钟..had been on 为什么不是had been.而是had been on .thanks a lot!